HoA Prestige/Calantar's Ward
Right now the way it set up, the ward resets every month when prestige scores reset. Once we gain the requisit prestige, the ward activates. However, this means at the start of every month it looks like the House of Ash isnt doing its job. Which.. is silly, since last month we had almost 12000 prestige.
Rather than resetting each month, can it not start the month active and if the HoA does not reach the required amount of prestige, by maybe midway through the month, then it fails?
Completely agree with this suggestion. Seems odd the ward always fails each month when we continue to tend to it throughout the month.
It would be cool, if it could be done with "last 30 days" instead of every month. Hells, id even say 14 days. Said a target (ex. 5000 points). As long as 5000 points is given within the last 14 days, the wards hold. -
@Cloud said in HoA Prestige/Calantar's Ward:
Completely agree with this suggestion. Seems odd the ward always fails each month when we continue to tend to it throughout the month.
It's never been about failing and more that the timer just resets :) Completely ooc function, these are good suggestions
Might be worth editing prestige in general that it depletes say 25% per week rather than a total reset every month. Gives players a better chance to maintain a steady pp level
@Puffy yeah I know its an OOC thing. At the start of this month the HoA got a lot of flack IC because "we didn't maintain the ward". Hence why we are suggesting a different way for it to work going forward.
Yeah having it decay slowly rather than just flat reset per month might be better.
Change implemented a while back
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