DMFI Voice Widget not working
Area name: All
Issue Location: All
Quest Name: N/A
Store Name: N/A
NPC Name: All
NPC Location: All
Server Version: 8306 (however it may of been happening before this version.)
Screen Shot:
Time: N/A (20:00 GMT)
Issue Description:
The Voice Widget no longer allows you to speak through NPC's. It will still create a 'Stationary voice' however when you attempt to talk through it using the colon command ':' it gives the error shown in the screen shot. The same thing happens when you try and use the colon to talk through NPC's as well. -
I can confirm that the problem is still present in build 8310.
Appears to be automatically adding a superfluous colon. -
Should be fixed as of version 20240429 Strife 8311.
I also deployed a hotfix via resman, so let me know if that works for you now. -
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