Oil Flask not working
version 240423 Puffy 8296
The oil flask item should be creating a campfire when you use it.
You do get the message, but it does not generate the campfire on the ground.
Had these a while but pretty sure they come from the starter shop.
Unable to recreate. Need more information.
Where exactly did you attempt to light the campfire with the Oil flask? Need exact location and area to attempt to reproduce. -
First try was on the High Road, Stonecliff map.
Then tried again after buying tinder in King's Forest, Collinwood. The tinder worked fine in Collinwood, but the oil flask would not fire.If it is not from the starter area, then it is from the general store in Arabel, Historic District. But pretty sure I got it on character creation.
Even though I use tinder, I always grab a couple of those if my PC needs a campfire to rest in the wild because tinder charges are random.
No longer relevant with introduction of twigs and flint. Closing.
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