Make Earth Drakes always drop scale
As these are powerful creatures in a dangerous part of the server they should likely always drop a scale as the dinosaurs in the Stonelands always drop one
The preference is to have a % chance so the items cant be farmed, the dinos and other 100% droppers will probably have a similar update in the future. However, we also aim to make it more profitable to kill ANY spawn, so that its rewarding.
I dont think anyone really farms them, and if they do surely it would be better to have a word with them on it.
I've killed 3 Earth Drakes in various locations over the last month or so with groups and not one has dropped a scale
Someone might wanna look into this, I don't actually remember how I set it up, but... I am almost sure they were in fact always meant to drop a scale, as the item should just be in their inventory.
However, the type of scale, can change, some of them have charges.
The creatures may be getting these charge based items, and using them.
The script finds the item, and when it enters an inventory, it selects from a list of possible scales (some have charges)
This is NOT intended to happen when it enters the monsters inventory though... it's meant to happen when it enters a players inventory.
If it is selecting the scale as it enters the creatures inventory, that's a bug, not a feature, and not a percent chance system.
The script which chooses what item gets selected when it enters an inventory, needs to check first, if the inventory, is a PC or not to solve this bug.
(To clarify for the DMs handling this - some of the scales just have some PP on them, i think there are even variations in the PP numbers - some have PP and some kind of spell charge/use - so, the % chance here, is if it drops some PP, lots of PP, or some bonus spell stuff. My plan when I did it, was to reward killing chunky mega beasts, for high level characters who are off taking people out exploring, or are off earning some PP to top up their supplies)
Z Zool moved this topic from Suggestions on
I've moved this to bug reports, cos... that's what it is.
i was around a 10 to 1 ratio, so i eventually just stopped looking for them, as they are rather formidable
resolved with the new fauna harvesting system
E Echo moved this topic from Bug Reports on