Reduced vision after expiration of infravision
Area name: Arabel: Various
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Server Version: the one from yesterdayIn Voss‘ quest last night, Cori used a lot of infravision (from a dagger). Whenever it expired, her vision was massively reduced. It seemed to be like the listening range - with everything further away being invisible. I thought this was some new kind of area effect in those quest areas. However, no one else seemed to suffer anything like that - and the effect persisted even in broad daylight in the bedine camp and then outside of Arabel. That… is when I finally re-logged, which fixed the problem. I guess it might come back though (hence the bug report).
It has been some time since I logged in, but I recall this being a known issue when using Infravision in an area effect of Darkness will cause you to go blind when the Infravision ends. Re-log is the only way to fix it as far as I am aware. Not sure there is an actual fix for the bug, but I could be wrong.
pretty sure this is a bioware thing. relogging seems to correct the issue.
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