Cadiz, Blood makes noise/ Brass Dragon touched
I've asked them to expand on point 3.
3. Being a brass dragon touched the character would have emerged from the Stonelands deserts and would have a desire to fight any threat that emerges from there. The character will seek to explore the desert and come to know the lore and history that might have shaped him - explorations and any desert themed adventure including the relic retrieval plot that is currently being run. He will seek to learn more of the blue scaled threat that has been mentioned within some of the lore to be found - a dragon in the region will likely mean other dragon touched and conflict with differing tribes in addition to a possible plot involving the blue scaled one itself - or discovery that it wasn't a dragon but lizard men etc. Searching the ruins of nesmer will potentially open the history of nesmer and the caul along with the emerald lord and the story that lies there too. Naturally he will be looking to make allies from the city and take them with him on his explorational journeys.
Not convinced by the app tbh, and I feel Cadiz needs to get better at hanging out with people IG. Which is bare minimum, lol
Just boring.
Cadiz can and should do better than this.
Linking here my discussion with Cadiz after he approached me, which might explain abit why he isnt as involved lately:
I agree that they app isn't that inspiring but I have seen cadiz create some great characters in the past. I've seen them trying to involve other PCs with his recent dwarf but he was quickly shunned for a bit of friendly fire.
I'm hoping they just need a bit of inspiration after several 'failed' concepts.
I don't find the app absurd, and they may provide some competition for the emerging 'Fun guys'. I'd be willing to take a chance and see where it goes.
What Soothy said.
blaming others for your character failing isnt good either but whatever. when you play PCs with 6 CHA, you cant expect people to be on-board with hanging out with him
What I read is:
- fight desert threats
- explore the desert
- do on DM relic hunts (are those still going on, or is it over?)
- learn more of the blue-scaled threat(that was killed like a thousand years ago?)
- search nesmer (aka explore the desert)
- make allies (how? hopefully this PC has more personality than 20-grit sandpaper)
also, what are "punching gloves"? why does he need/want them? is his barbarian going to fight unarmed?
@Echo more personality than 20 grit sandpaper. Never heard that one before XD
I believe they are intending to be 'unarmed' yeah.
I don't think this is going to work, and as Echo says his PCs have failed recently cause they have all been IC dicks with little to no personality. He needs a revamp on his RP and think more broadly on how he can make fun for everyone himself included.
@Soothsayer said in Cadiz, Blood makes noise/ Brass Dragon touched:
@Echo more personality than 20 grit sandpaper. Never heard that one before XD
just that his last handful of PCs have been gruff/angry/unfriendly/unsociable
@Puffy said in Cadiz, Blood makes noise/ Brass Dragon touched:
have all been IC dicks with little to no personality
or as puffy says :)
I'm not saying "No" to the app, but I do want to know how this will be different than what he's been doing, ie, HOW he will RP being of dragon descent and HOW he will include others in what he is doing
Cadiz looks to have joined the Shroom people now. Assume the App is no longer relevant?
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