Module version 8210
Quest name Halfhap
Quests giver Some Snake
ZQA: Halfhap
Level range 4-9
Party requirements: 1-10
Number of people that did the quest 2
Party composition with levels- 9 fighter
- 9 cleric
Quest turn in gp and xp
250 goldComments: Would like some more flavour in the wider area, or some story to find. :)
Area layout is fine, enemies okay, the only thing now is I'd like some kind of flavour to the quest, as there's no real explanation behind what I was doing beyond 'angry druid'.
Used to be the quest info had some lore about it, but with Tilverton that got lost. Will review to consider how the story can be improved, maybe a druid cultist or something
Updated v8267
P Puffy moved this topic from Suggestions: Quest Tweaks and Feedback on