Frigid Cavern
Module version 8213
Quest name Frigid Cave(rn?)
Quests giver Frigid Cave(rn?)
ZQA: Stormhorns Frigid Cave(rn?)
Level range: 6-10
Party requirements: 2+
Number of people that did the quest: 2
Party composition with levels: Level 7 cleric (with ECL1), Level ?? fighter (Ethan) @SirWill360 can tell
Quest turn in gp and xp: 800gp (400 each), I got 280xp (not sure what Ethan got)- We had frost orcs this time (when tested before we got a mixture of frost orcs, spiders, and wolves).
- Loot chests spawned but they all had prestige items in them (total of about 350 points).
- Collected a total of 16 orc heads for bounties (adds to gp/xp takeaway)
- We had a couple of "close calls" (both of us got to Near Death at least twice each)
- Overall was fun.
Bug: Got the "you've found a hidden door" message but the door didnt appear
Bug: After closing out the quest I was somehow able to reenter the quest area via the transition
@TheWraith Fighter 8. Also got 280 exp.
loot should now work
bugs should be fixed
v8214 -
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