A suggestion for XP markers: Allow revisiting them for their text.
The XP markers are really cool, and they have a lot of neat lore attached to them, but once you click them once, you're never able to get the same text to display again. If you didn't screenshot or write it down, you're just SOL.
As you can imagine, this is a bit of a problem for a researcher character. :)
It should be an easy fix, I imagine the if statement that checks if you've visited it before has all the 'display message' code as well as the 'grant xp' code under the 'hasn't clicked this before' branch. You can just take the message stuff out of the statement, put it above the statement, and it'll display the message on its own while retaining the one shot XP boost.
It'd be a nice quality of life thing. <3
i think you can get it again after a reset. not 100% but fairly sure.
there are nodes that i have struggled with where it says that you cant understand the language etc despite having it though
Those are language nodes not exploration xp nodes.
Some of the exploration nodes have lore
Implemented a while back
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