Michael/NPC Support from Luck Keeper Rallyhorn/ 10gp wage
I'm more doing this cause I feel he'll be ooc upset of Selwyn gets something and he doesn't, rather than me feeling he deserves it for making fun stuff IG. But on the flip side he do do stuff, so there's that
No from me. We shouldn’t give players perks because we pity them or afraid they will get angry that another player got perks.
Had a chat with @Lord_Acererak he's also indifferent and feel Verk don't really get what a Tymoran is. So changed my vote to no
@Puffy said in Michael/NPC Support from Luck Keeper Rallyhorn/ 10gp wage:
I'm more doing this cause I feel he'll be ooc upset of Selwyn gets something and he doesn't, rather than me feeling he deserves it for making fun stuff IG. But on the flip side he do do stuff, so there's that
Him being upset is not adjustification for giving him something that he has not earned.
I thought about this last night abit, puffy.
The first 'nod' like this can be encouraging for players. I don't know if 10g a month will inspire verk, in fact I doubt it, but I would like to think it might.
I'll be keeping my vote a yes, not because I think he's earned it, but because I think it will encourage him to do better.
I'm really torn about what to do. Verk is Verk and he does plug along and try move plots.
When I compare his success to some others I am less sure about the question of rewards:- Ruler and the Arcane Guild (recruited a disparate and motley crew to the group and has done stuff of their own creation
- Crusader-K and Marius then as a follow-up act the Tyrran Arbiter has involved a lot of people and generated some fun interactions/setting impact.
I'd like to read what the team has specifically seen that is noteworthy and to build on what Acererak has said, what the definition of "doing better is"
I think we as a team need to have a clear idea of what the player needs to do differently and provide that feedback.
I dont know what he's done other than "PRAISE TYMORA" at every possible moment, even inappropriate ones.
He was leading some treasure hunts, which, I guess, is about luck(?). -
Copy and Pasting this mostly for myself;
Clerics preach a doctrine the urges their followers to take chances and do something; - I see him inviting people out to do things, but I haven't seen anything particularly DARING.
Were he creating excitement, providing aid to others (not just supplying buffs for coin..) I would be fine with bumping him up.
However, he's doing none of the above that I have seen.
I quite like Verks' RP, he plays my favorite type of uncompromising helmite. I thought his wizard was pretty cool. I just think he has trouble with the typical personality of a Tymoran. Which isn't to say EVERY Tymoran needs to act this way; but if they do not, the above mentioned tenants should at least be hit.
Back to Basics, Tymoran Clerics:
I have not seen anything particularly zeal filled beyond defending the faith which, I mean, even a typical Tymoran should be interested in doing. Had he determined that Draco was a Maskarran, I would advocate for promotion, but he didn't figure it out, and she ended up getting herself killed.
Those commoners who fail to take themselves too seriously see the servants of Tymora as energetic advocates of fun and adventure. The clerics preach a doctrine that urges their followers to take chances and do something, rather than sitting around and daring nothing. Accordingly, those who choose Tymora as patron tend to possess a zest for life and a calm assurance that the Lady Who Smiles will ensure they live a long and fruitful life. Halflings consider Tymora to be one of Yondolla’s Children, and consider her widespread worship in human lands as simply the greatest of Lady Luck’s numerous humorous cons.
Clerics of Tymora, often called luck bringers, pray for their spells in the morning. The faithful typically greet each other by touching holy symbols, often embracing to do so. The clergy officially recognizes no set rituals, with religious observances varying wildly according to the dictates of each temple. Tymora’s clerics most commonly multiclass as bards or rogues, but they have been known to try almost any class combination. A rare few become auspicians.
Clerics of Tymora favor gaiety and spontaneity, believing that those who enjoy the greatest fortune are those who take the greatest risks. They position their temples as refueling stops for adventuring bands, often offering such staples as holy water and healing potions. Some churches take this a step further, offering excessive secret aid to the most daring of adventurers in a public relations effort to “prove” the value of Tymora’s doctrine. Clerics hail the miraculous success of these heroes upon their return from dangerous dungeons and haunted tombs, declaring their survival and plunder the reward of Lady Luck. When such groups are consumed by walls of living tentacles or walk into a sphere of annihilation set into the mouth of giant bas-relief demon faces, Tymoran clerics are notably silent.
Maybe a piece of loot but frankly he isn't a good cleric of anything remotely chaotic.
If he was a cleric of Grumbar I'd vote yes in a heartbeat. :P
We'll call this a no
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