[Closed]Introducing - Trial by combat
Stone folk,
Since the days of the rebellion, criminals have gone free, due to either corruption within those who enforce the laws, or because evidence can be hard to come by. So I bring the following suggestion to your books of law.
Trial by combat:
Any man or woman, can accuse another of misdeeds. But the one who brings the accusation, should be responsible for their actions.
Therefore, I suggest that Trial by Combat should be a right given to any man, not merely be a right of the noble.
For accusations of a capital offense, a trial by combat should be held to the death. The accused or accuser should both be allowed to name a second. But said second shall forfeit their lives, if they lose, unless the victor decides to be merciful.Refusal to accept, should be seen as proof of guilt. Yet the accused should be allowed to commune with the Court, if there is absolutely NO grounds for the accusation.
Should accusations be brought forth, but the accuser has no desire to back up their claims, they should be sentenced with a fine, similar to that of a serious crime.
In a similar fashion, any person slandered with potential criminal activity, should be allowed to call on trial by combat, to clear their name.For non capital offenses, the trial by combat should not necessarily be to the death.
To ensure simplicity, the accused may set terms. If terms cannot be agreed upon, the rules will be that you may use whatever tools at your disposal within the ring.
The OOC part Trials are often boring, time consuming, and "evidence" short of catching someone in the act, is hard to come by. Trial by combat would be both a "way to settle matters" and a "way for Joe Nasty" to "prove" his innocent.
If you accuse, you take a risk, which you must back up with action. -
Whilst bold in some senses I believe this leads very much to a might makes right approach.
Let's say for example that Lord Cormareil brought in Knox for a trial instead of executing him and Knox requested trial by combat and won then we'd have to let him go to no doubt harm other goodly folk.
No system is perfect. If Lord Cormaeril did not think he could win the fight, he could name a second who might. I see little difference between your example, and It is no different than fighting Knoxx as he did.And to further debate the example. Knox would have to claim he did NOT serve the God of Murder.
No mortal can put to writing a flawless book of laws. It will always be subject to the wisdom and mind of the one who reads it, and seeks to enforce it.
I am stoutly against this. Strength of arms is not Justice. A powerful criminal should not be allowed to kill to escape Justice. The ability to kill does not make one above the law and that is exactly what trial by combat is. Power to kill making you immune to the law.
OOC: sounds cool, though there are tons of opportunities for PvP leading up to the final capture. I’d also note that 1 v. 1 duels have gotten rather boring to watch recently having seen 2 of them in recent memory and had time to get up, make a sandwich, eat half of it and get a drink before they ran out of supplies and the fight got interesting. At least trials can involve others and be shocking.
The trial by combat should be staunchly used and not become a matter of routine.
If we continue to take the example of Laypriest Dupont about Knox - This brigand committed vile and terrible crimes not only against the people of the realm, but also against the wildlife by slaughtering scores of them. This kind of person should not deserve the luxury of trial by combat.Trial by combat should be a luxury that takes into consideration the offender's prior criminal background and standing.
Lord Mordecai of House Cormaeril
Divine Champion of the Divine Right, Siamorphe
Head of House Chapter in the region of Arabel
Ruler of Immersea
Knight of the Realm of Arabel
I agree with Lord Cormaeril. Making this a common occurrence not only takes up time but weakens or kills those who would defend law and crown.
~Guildmaster Finley Copperfield
Dismissed, we are not barbarians. The strongest does not set the law.
The Arbiter of Arabel
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