[No]TheSouthWind/Eleanor Vos/Magical amulet
Human/Sorc/NE/Eleanor Vos
Apping for an item: Magical AmuletHow i'll play: Eleanor will present herself as the 'Mother of Orphans' within the slums, looking to heal those who have lost due to the war with Tilverton. She will seem willing to aid the needy, and essentially appear to be a benevolent figure. As a scholar and arcanist she will seek out the Arcane Guild and offer to aid them in exchange for guidance on the use of her powers. She will lead expeditions into the ruins beneath Arabel, and learn all she can of them.
As she becomes more powerful and influential she will seek to use her powers to achieve her true agenda, visiting the pain and sorrow she has faced upon those in the city she believes has taken everything from her.
The persona of the 'Mother of Orphans' will be used to stoke resentment between the peasantry, who bore the brunt of the losses, and the nobility who ordered their brothers, husbands and sons into battle. The graves of the nobility will be sought out and their corpses will become her shambling servants.
She is ever looking to draw closer to Shar in spiritual rituals and will look to align herself with the lawless elements to support her. Her ultimate objective is to earn a Shadow Kiss, as she considers it, taking on the essence of Shadowfell and combining it with her soul. This she believes will finally dull the ache in her heart, and she will be free from her grief.Handle: Normally I play as Gloomy_Sunday, thought id switch it up.
Bio - Once a promising young candidate for the Precept Arcanum, Eleanor left her family in the alleys of Arabel to the lofty towers within the Clover District, her family were overjoyed to see her escape the poverty of her upbringing. This joy was shortlived, as the Precept were attacked and ultimately scattered or destroyed by the forces of the city. Eleanor, as one who had just begun her time there was permitted to return to her family home where she began courting a local miller's son. War came soon after, and her brothers, her future husband, and even her own father were expected to fight for the King against Duke Obyn Misrim. They were slaughtered during the seige of Tilverton. The grief was too much for her mother to bear, and she took her own life.Now bereft of family, having lost everyone she knew and loved, once again the powerful of the world had taken her future. Consumed by her own self pity she fell into alcoholism, seeking to be unconscious, unaware, as much as possible. During a time unconscious she dreamed of travelling into a ruin, and during this dream, she found a mysterious amulet, hearing a female voice say that through it, and through Her, all of the pain will go away.
Other - Really, the amulet can be anything, it will act as some kind of focus for her sorcerous powers. I was thinking possibly summon a shadow of some kind, or give some mild bonuses that could improve as her goals are realised.
Very close to my v5 NPC lol, but sure.
Item suggestion:
Amulet of Lost Lovers
Found by Eleanor Vos after drunkenly awakening at the base of the Cliff of Lost Lovers, this amulet has been a strange source of comfort, whilst also a constant cold reminder of everything she has lost.
+2 Bluff
+1 Spellcraft
20 charges
1/charge use Darkness
1/charge use Ultravision -
Before I yes vote again for Gloomy I want to see him involve others in a story. This seems to read as a
- Going to be evil but hidden
- Going to be a sorcerer and raise undead.
- Summon a shadow just because.
Really was disappointed in the Monk/Bhaal pc. Rl is a pain and can make it difficult to participate in game but to me the pc tagged along with Marius and didn't contribute much beyond bathing in blood.
"... could improve as her goals are realised."
- The item proposed is already a great item that you'd get from doing stuff ingame. Not sure why/where it would be improved?
4 yes
24 hour confirmation
voted no in agreement with what prof said
the item is really good to start with, so where is it going to improve over time?
make it a 0 stat item for starters and let it improve if he does impressive stuff -
Good points changed to no as well, no longer conf
keep in mind, i'm not saying no to the character or the application, but only to the amulet's powers as listed above
so really my vote is "yes, but ..." < change the amulet and let her earn to improve it >
plus I think this concept might fit kinda well with the House of Ash -
I rather see Gloomy put some creativity IG first, and then he can be rewarded if he delivers. We're 4 nos vs 3 yes, atm, agreement to deny?
Putting this as a no
Sent to Gloomy: The DM team felt that an item like this should be earned in game through creative RP, something to strive towards as a fun personal development by involving others and creating an interesting story.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on