Possible Lower Cost for Large Diamond
The large Diamond costs about 3.7K I believe (have to check exact price when I get home) but I am being told that’s about the same price as a temple raise dead spell. If that is the case could we lower the cost of the Diamond to incentivize PC raises? We can’t do resurrection ever so we can’t save them XP but hopefully we can save them money?
I have never done a temple raise so I have no idea what the actual cost is, just going off answers to questions.
Diamond cost is currently 3500. I thought I changed it during the adjustment to the NPC costs. NPC cost was 5000 and diamond was 3500 (adjusted for appraise check)
We'll address this soon.
Professor 8110
Large Diamond cost lowered to 2500 +/- appraise -
P Prof. Misclick moved this topic from Suggestions on