Plot: Pyatt Pree
Pyatt Pree had been followed by the law officials of Arabel since the first day that Oliver Baba had seen him buying corpses in the sewers of Arabel. Though there were many reports and rumors of his criminal activity, the evidence acquired did not support a capital conviction by the Knights of the time. The official guidance was to continue to watch and report on his actions . Unofficially, War Wizard Xavien had told Baba repeatedly to keep very close tabs on Pree and if he had the opportunity, to take action against him.
It was believed that Pree's gang had been in some conflict with Raven's gang from the 3 Bars. Unfortunately, a truce had been called and Pree was going to meet with Raven to finalize the arrangements. Baba told Xavien and a plan was hatched.
Baba followed Pree from a distance to the Night Wolf Inn where he resided. While Pree had a brief meeting with some of his minions, Baba crept upstairs and into his room in the inn. He hid under Pree's bed for several hours until Pree fell asleep and then carefully hid an item in the bottom of his belt pouch. Smiling to himself, he crept out of the room and returned to notify Xavien of his success.
Sometime later, the discovery of a magical symbol of her own guild within the possession of Pree would cause a tremendous amount of friction between the would be allies.
Brilliant reading
Pyatt Pree is a fairly notable character in a somewhat well known book series (a kickass series, if I might add) A Song of Ice and Fire.
So, if anyone knows about legal/moral issues in stealing someone else's character, speak up (in the series spoiler he's a warlock, ie. evil mage, as well spoiler). I don't think any author would go and copyright names for a book series with so many central characters. I know that Ilyandrim/however you spell it, was originally called Ilyandrim Starym, who was apparently a fantasy book character herself so the name was shortened to just the first part, rather than removing the character from the game.
I thought the character from song of ice and fire was Pyat, not Pyatt? Thats probably enough change to get away with it I guess.
My conscience is not appeased.
Just give him a completely different name and change some non vital parts of him. It works with companies that make medicine doesn't it?
You're gonna hit that alot, if you cover coa history.
Albert Steiner is an FF9 character.
Oliver Baba, well, obviously.
"Wanderer" is a nomad who narrates Dark Sun sourcebooks (similar to Elminister/FR), and also a Dragonlance character I'm told.
Nelson Alastyr is also from Final Fantasy somewhere, if I remeber right.
and so on…Starym is a ruling family in Evermeett, I don't think Illiandrin Starym is actually canonical, though it's possible. The players first character was Elaida Avery'Da'Roihan (Wheel of time)
Okay, well that's something that I would consider as past the line.I guess it'll stick to the whole Pyatt Pree thing, though i'm none too happy about it.
Is there any way we could get more of this? Its quite enjoyable.
I don't know. You could try to spam inboxes with PMs under an alias until people start posting tid-bits again.
I guess people are just doing other things right now, but so long as there doesn't come a need to shut down coa.ender or anything, it's just here for whenever someone passes by with something to add.