Kill and Delete PC option does not work
Tried creating a pc and deleting it, upon using the Craft Menu option, I was jumped to fugue, killed, but then never got deleted. The PC still counts on my vault.
Could I get it deleted?
Might only take effect after a reset.
Please God just let daleroy die
Even after the rest, the PC remains there, undeleted.
Figured out the issue, when you delete your pc through craft menu, you get teleported to fugue, then killed there, so you don't leave a corpse. But it seems the clear all actions to jump doesn't work sometimes, so you just stay near your body.
Then to delete you must reach the lightshaft, and that works as intended. The bug was not being jumped to it.
There can be some lag/delay in that final jump I've noticed when cleaning out TEST XYZ characters.
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