Extend duration of the Identify spell
We've all been there.
There's all the loot lain out on the ground.
Your brow breaks out in a cold sweat. Your hands are clammy. Mom's spaghetti.
You click the button on your hotbar and try as quickly as possible to click on every unidentified thing on the ground or in your inventory as fast as possible. You must be precise, you must be quick, you must be-
And there it goes. Identify has worn off, and over half the stuff on the ground is unidentified? You sigh, flex your fingers, and quaff another identify potion.
Alternatively - wouldn't it be nice if the identify spell lasted for more than two seconds?
It lasts six seconds and gives you +20 to lore.
Plenty of time...
Or, ID everything you can w/out it first, and only focus on the stuff you cant ID
Or, invest in lore
Or, find a friend who has invested in lore -
Skill Issue.
(The skill in question being Lore, which you should invest in if you want knowing what items are to be convinient. Having to down multiple Identify potions/use multiple identify spells is the alternative cost to the skill points you invested elsewhere.)
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