[No]Dagonlives/Shapeshifter(Were-boar) & Wildwalker
Dunno, just one aspect.
I think Dagon would do just fine.
[3:25 PM](Daagon): For whatever reason, I do well when my concepts are not completely serious but are played straight [3:25 PM](Daagon): Like it's amusing but it's dry humor [3:26 PM](Daagon): My last successful arch druid on efu was 'clifford' and his form was a big red wolf [3:26 PM](Daagon): And I played it entirely straight [3:26 PM]Echo: π€¦ββοΈ [3:27 PM](Daagon): Clifford got the highest druid app position as great druid leading all the druids [3:27 PM](Daagon): The meme was never once referenced icly [3:27 PM](Daagon): But people could have a giggle when a big red wolf ganked them and threatened to eat them [3:28 PM](Daagon): It cut some of the tension in a good way without robbing the scenes [3:30 PM](Daagon): Similarly imagine... [3:30 PM](Daagon): 'care going through the helmlands' the truffle-eater could be about!' [3:31 PM](Daagon): And I'll legit terrorize and possibly kill players if it's called for to enforce narrative consequences [3:31 PM](Daagon): But that hint of facepalm will be there lol [3:32 PM](Daagon): It could be I get killed and turned into a cloak or something [3:33 PM](Daagon): I think that players would genuinely find this fun to interact with but it doesn't work without the pig humor [3:34 PM](Daagon): Go pig πor go home [3:37 PM](Daagon): And I couldn't find a druid pig form that worked [3:38 PM](Daagon): Also hogzilla as a villian sounded pretty great [3:39 PM](Daagon): Only sewer croc could top that [3:40 PM](Daagon): Sorry if I wrote too much, I just really liked the idea even if it's not conveyed perfectly [3:45 PM](Daagon): I think the players would definitely find it fun.
Not convinced lycan shouldn't be given on a whim
I don't care either way. Nothing beats my werepig concept from back in the day. All others pale in comparison.
This concept needs to turn the druid faction into some minor misunderstood villains imo, get some conflict around them as the faction has none atm. Push conflict with Precept, for example, and as a wereboar, I want to see some truly unpredictable behavior against anyone and everyone, where even he is not truly trusted among the druids.
If I see just a bunch of solo questing, "cute piggy quest smasher", I'll avoid.
@salem said in Dagonlives/Shapeshifter(Were-boar) & Wildwalker:
If I see just a bunch of solo questing, "cute piggy quest smasher", I'll avoid.
This is what I'm afraid will happen.
Unless he details more how he's going to make the Wildwalkers more antagonistic it's a no from me
9:47 AM]Echo: do you have any details on how this pc is going to make the Wildwalkers more antagonistic?
11:23 AM: Hm. So this is hard to necessary write firmly about without knowing more about what the wild walkers are really doing at this time, and what the general playerbase is like. Antagonism is difficult to do well I find.
11:23 AM: I don't want to just be like Oink Oink get offa my land!
11:24 AM: Druids have a very ethically alien view on life and duty that doesn't necessarily fit with the general population or general interpretation by the average Cormyrian or adventurer.
11:24 AM: and I'd be pushing one of these ethical views that directly conflicted with the general viewpoint, but doing so in such a way that is interesting and compelling
11:25 AM: Example:Druids often require lifeforce or 'blood' to re-energize the forest. Common plot point. A 'Good' druid will use their own lifeforce, or self sacrifice to this end
11:25 AM: but an antagonist would seek a different source, perhaps by capturing and ritually bleeding or slaying 'unimportant' people to rejuvenate locations of power.
11:26 AM: To my druid, it could be for example that they do not distinguish between 'life' and 'sentient life'
11:26 AM: a tree has as much right to live as a person, even if it's not really a thinking creature (to the average adventurer)
11:26 AM: A good example of how I did atagonism on a last concept was you'd permanently turn people into trees.
11:27 AM: That way you avoided killing them (Wasteful!) but they are just as useful as a tree as they are as a person aren't they? Consent is less of a concern!
11:27 AM: I also had some inspiration from a scene recently on the Hannibal Lector series where this person was feeding people alive to mushrooms to cultivate the mushrooms, believing the spores would make them able to 'communicate' with each other
11:28 AM: while in a real life setting this is mad, in Forgotten realms it's plausible this could be done (Create a network of mushrooms or decay to nourish the forest by sacrificing animals and innocent people to it)
11:28 AM: It really depends in part of on what the Wildwalker tenants and ideals are, and which druids are currently in the circle. As while I would be an antagonist, it's important you have your own people 'satisfied' or they will betray you.
11:30 AM: TLDR: I'd likely push druidic ethics that directly conflict with normal adventurer views but that druids within the circle would agree with. Life having equivalent value regardless of the form that life takes. Example: A slug or tree or dog has as much value as a person in terms of it's right to exist.
11:31 AM: But again, some of this is contextual. It's like finding the right idea that 'fits' as a source of conflict and that players who are having this anagonism directed at actually appreciate it OOCly rather than resent it.
11:31 AM: and also allows me as a player to not be alienated by 99% of the playerbase, which would be boring for me. Alienated by 75% is fine.
11:34 AM: On the surface this character would be very 'wizard-like' at least in the Tolkien sense. Or a bit like a shades of grey Merlin. Filled with folksy wisdom and strange perceptions.
11:35 AM: I think Saerhice was a great example of an 'antagonistic' druid done well on this server for example from another player
11:36 AM: He had his own morale code and way he acted, while still being interesting. Players wanted to interact with them even if it might end very badly for them. -
A tentative and reluctant yes vote from me. Their answer sort of pleases me but I expect someone to be turned into a tree within the month
A tentative yes from me. But I want someone or something turned into a tree within the month.
Rejected, majority says no
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