Eveningstar - Visuals
Place looks great!
Is there any way however to just tone down the brightness of the white glow a bit?
It actually hurts my eyes when entering the area and navigating is pretty tricky!
Would be good to take in the destruction properly!
@Voss_ ?
Are you talking about the area fog being too bright? It could be toned down a bit but it doesnt' seem bad to me, unless you're playing in a dark room with no lights on.
@greenlung Have you tried changing your gamma settings? 2.0 is default if I recall correctly, anywhere below that I wouldn't recommend.
@voss_ i find it rather bright and hard to navigate, i prefer to avoid it now
Shouldn't have to adjust your gamma just for one area, that is excessive to request. If nothing changes I will never visit that area due to my disability of light sensitivity, hell white backgrounds strain my eyes as it is.
It is a valid point to ask what someones gamma setting is to see if its in default mode or not.
This is what I have for comparison. My Gamma is at 2.2 it looks like. It doesn't hurt my eyes too much, though it does take a few moments to adjust. Everyone's eyes are different. But I mean, I use to stare at a character who ran around in pure snow gear, so make of that as you will.
I will tone down the brightness next time I grab the mod.
Tweak attempted 7401
P Puffy moved this topic from Suggestions on