[DENIED] Master_Sarevok/Enlill Ghost / Air Genasi
Air genasi
To play as an air genasi and going necromancer for spiffys plot.
Life is strength, and all life needs air. And this air is the ultimate force. The air withers the mountain and blows the sands that tear the stone. It is life and life is knowledge and knowledge is power. Enlil is driven to knowledge for progress and efficiency. And it is his desire for efficient knowledge that drives his research into necromancy for the failing of life and knowledge is that it ends. Even knowledge decays, for book and paper wither in time. And so in necromancy Enlil desires to create the true way to forever ensure knowledge is preserved.
Goals for Enlil are thus: master necromancy to preserve his existence and little by little create a Repository of knowledge that is guided by a will of its own. To create for him a partner to study with and to turn himself into a skull that is another repository of knowledge and power. Then he will know his knowledge is truly preserved for the next generation
He's still pushing for this huh. I don't really care I just think the air genasi thing is too weird.
Consider my vote a yes if everyone else thinks it's fine. Otherwise abstain. XD
This is bollacks
The air genasi thing makes no sense to me.
he just wants the +2 int.
Actually read this. Nope
This is for an existing character to suddenly become an Air Genasi?
@echo said in Topic: Master_Sarevok/Enlill Ghost / Air Genasi:
This is for an existing character to suddenly become an Air Genasi?
It's for Master Sarevok to get +2 INT, the rest is a poor excuse
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