Blistering Radiance target incorrect
Screen Shot:
Issue Description: Description says target is single but it is an AoE and I set people in my party on fire. -
Can be temp fixed with a tlk override script as it's not a level 1 spell.
Is it meant to be single target or group? It's quite a nice/useful spell as is.
In the picture, it does say target is single. So, it shouldn't hit others.
Forum describes it as an AoE spell. It's always an amusing one to hit your own party with.
@gdardog According the the Forums it is a small AoE, it is a AoE IG so I suspect the spell description is off.
Either it's single and the mechanic is wrong. Or it's AoE and the description is wrong. Not important which one, just reporting that they need to match.
Well, the Forum description and the IG effects match up, so the only odd one out is the IG spell Info.
It clearly meant to be an AoE as the Visual Effect is a huge AoE type.
Just needs the in game description changing.
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