Cooking recipe: Fancy Weirdo Sandwich
Fancy Weirdo Sandwich
(Butter, Salt) + 2 Oat Breads, 2 Bouquets of Asters, 6 Garlic, 1 Elderberry Juice
Recipe Level: 8
Uses: Life Bolt (single use), Concentrated Garlic (single use) [e.g., twice the potency of all the normal effects produced by untreated garlic].Note. Only the petals of the asters are used for the sandwich, all the stalks are discarded.
As the flowers are anti undead, and so is the garlic. Life bolt doesn't make a lot of sense for the use, but we can see about making it a potent anti undead sandwich thematic with the recipe.
OK, cool - thanks for considering it!!
Just for the reference, I thought about Life Bolt in this context because it only works against undead and is harmless to everything else (which helps making things weird). But I get that it might not really be suitable for a sandwich, or for these specific ingredients.
Mushroom Rice Pie
Tell me all your secrets!Ingredients: (1 Baker’s Yeast, 1 Salt), 4 Rice Flour, 2 Spotted Mushrooms, 2 Toadstools, 2 Red Mushrooms, 2 White Mushrooms, 3 Raven’s Feathers
Recipe Level: 7 (?)
Uses (self only): Detect Secrets (2 Uses), a random poison (optional - but might be triggered together with Detect Secrets?)
Just thinking of this again. Maybe instead of the "Lifebolt" idea (I agree that might be a bit too weird), that effect could be replaced by a boost to Turn Undead checks?
The concentrated Garlic should lower CHA, but with respect to turning undead, it would be cool if that could be offset and boosted/reversed so that characters with that feat can improve their chances of success somewhat.
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