[Denied]Aasimar/Cleric/Chaotic Evil/4/Aizeira Jardan
@prof-misclick said in Aasimar/Cleric/Chaotic Evil/4/Aizeira Jardan:
Tiefling is a Tiefling. Disguises are not supported. He can tell people whatever he wants ICly but there must be features that wsiwyg a tiefling.
@voss_ said in Aasimar/Cleric/Chaotic Evil/4/Aizeira Jardan:
But mostly I'd want to know if they won't just quit this character too.
I know I am new here. I know from playing with these players that when gloomy rps he is really cool to interact with. That being said the way he ended his last character after such a short period of time was very lame. Had it just been a case of character leaves Arabel cause player is not having fun I think I would feel differently. It happens to us all. Or if it was rl got in the way well that I completely understand. I personally feel bad when I would apply for something and couldn't see it through do to a number of reasons. So with out some assurance this too will last longer than a couple weeks I side on a vote of no. Unless someway we can get some assurances.
@prof-misclick The idea as I understand it is to be a priest focused on subterfuge, which is fairly fitting to Shar. Preaching goodness but ultimately using it to advance the agenda of Shar, I think especially in the Silence this can work well.
I don't think any disguises were mentioned. But I did briefly play a tiefling who had golden eyes and no really obvious 'evil' features. I more showed the tiefling nature through roleplay, I think for this concept it could work. IF he roleplayed evil tendencies.
“Pretending to be an Aasimar “ and “Beautiful/Trustworthy appearance”
As long as I can look at the pc and read the description and think at first glance it’s a Tiefling then I’m satisfied and RPing why it might not be a Tiefling is acceptable. That’s what the disguise comment was addressing.
Currently tied
I think he rolls a new concept hoping for certain immediate perks and reputation right away. If he doesn't get the reactions he hopes for, he gets bored with it. I don't see anything that screams a NO vote but I have no high expectations either.
any other votes coming in? So we might reply to him a decision?
4v4, rejected for now
Spoke with the player. They indeed to stick with this character but cannot rule out getting killed in PVP and whatever. If the player intends to stick with this character longer than a couple of week I will change my vote to a yes if that is allowed
[10:11 AM] Gloomy_Sunday: Hey prof, is there any feedback on my app? Zool said it is looking like it might not go through
[11:23 AM] Professor Misclick: General Opinions for the team are:
Tiefling needs to look like a tiefling and people to easily wysiwyg. You can rp that you are not a tielfing and perhaps don't need to go full out with the evil features but their needs to be some part of the description and rp that is "tieflingish"
You're a good rper and we accept people need to play what they want. The shortness of the last few characters and the timeline of saying you were not enjoying Draegon then suddenly forcing FD PvP and therefore compromising the faction with loss of items when you had zero stake in the outcome left a bit of a bad taste in the teams mouth.
The application with the recent adjustments, and the above has garnered some positive votes but not enough for it to pass.
[11:26 AM] Professor Misclick: My PERSONAL opinion would be to play a non application character for awhile and have fun. EiG some stuff.
[11:31 AM] Gloomy_Sunday: Tbh I didn't agree with switching it to tiefling from aasimar and feel people didn't want an aasimar that didn't fit the mould. I had no intention of playing just a human with better stats, and her back story was pretty integral to the character. I mean I was going a non armour wearing cleric, hardly op right? As to Draegan forcing PvP, I like things to move forward, and didn't create that situation to piss off my faction, I just felt like we were languishing in a point where everyone is so risk averse. I entered combat with ercole in good faith intending on handing him over to tilverton to be executed. I sought out faction members who were online but constantly afk so wouldn't buff me or help.
[11:35 AM] Professor Misclick: OK. No point in playing something that from the start is not what you wanted. We'll mark the application as denied and you can decide where to go from there. Hope you come up with something fun that the entire team can get behind.
Gloomy_Sunday: Thanks for the honest feedback
[11:36 AM] Professor Misclick: Cheers! -
Application is denied and closed.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on