Grey Dwarf in the Hillmarch Mines
[A copy of a bounty poster is attached] bounty is to be removed. This Grey Dwarf is a tiefling, and therefore, under the perview of the Precept Arcanum.
We are monitoring him.His task is to destroy a devil, which is quite the opposite of Infernalism.
-Izereth Caul
[The file is sent to the higher council]
@Voss_ -
I suppose if he is a tiefling he does fall under the Precepts purview.
You should likely do something about your friends in the lower house though Izereth. Like reduce one to a pile of ash to send a warning to the heathens
I understand they tried to kill him once but you paid them off. Now there's a bounty they will no doubt try again to push support for their cult
Sir Pierre
Anyone trying to claim the bounty will be reminded of the Precepts charter. Very directly.
We are aware of the Precepts charter. And the Precept should also aware that Duergar, like the Drow are dangerous creatures that are treated as threats to the kingdom.
That this particular duergar is a tiefling is a very rare case, but does not make it any less dangerous.
And by your wording we are led to believe you intend to protect the Duergar. So if we are to submit a request to rescind the bounty. We would like a confirmation that the Precept is willing to take full responsibiltiy for its actions.
- Twelve council clerk
So if a monster has fiend blood the Precept will roll out the red carpet? I sure hope orcs don't start breeding with demons.
- unsigned
And this is precisely why the charter is with the Precept.
Monster is not an easy thing for a mundane to define.Yes, the Precept takes responsibility, and as with all those of worthy heritage, if they turn out to betray their own potential, they will be deemed a stray, and hunted as is ever the case.
Dourhand the Grey Dwarf is using the work of monsters that would otherwise be killed on sight to increase the speed of his digging. When he gets closer to finding enough of the material required to craft his weapon to destroy the devil, I will provide information to the council.
P Puffy moved this topic from Plot Faction: Council of Twelve Peers on