The lycan Tenebris
The druid Tenebris is a wererat, This Murrain the talonites spoke of was his plan to spread lycanthrophy.
In his efforts to do so we have learned he has performed a sacrifice to a pagan spirit to kill off Belladonna to allow the disease to spread longer
The council should demand the Wildwalkers turn Ten over, Efforts to hunt him have been stymied by his ability to hide
Sir Pierre
I support the effort to end this lycanthropic plague. It has cost us too many good folk already.
I would see your evidence that it was Tenebris who directly did this, rather than it being the spread of a natural blight.
Let it be known that the King has had a standing Kill Order for the Murrain for weeks now, and Tilverton is merely reaping the rewards for opposing the King's wisdom.
Clerk Pinwall.
Yes, he made me write this reminder.
In the call for evidence, I confronted Tenebris and questioned him. He made no denials that it was him who had bitten me, and even stated that those not of the wilds are enemies. I can also state I wittnessed Sir Pierre leave on some busniess with Tenebris and Old Jim. When he had returned he had been bitten by a wererat.
If there is a standing order to kill Tenebris then I do not see the benefit of going over this matter again.
However, though having reviewed our files a pattern emerges where Sir Pierre argues against them being arrested, only to change his mind after he has been personally attacked by druids for seeking to steal from a grove.
If you wish to make enemies of the wild places, I can think of no better way to go about it than by attempting to steal from a grove.
I hardly attempted to steal from a grove.
Tilverton had a business arrangement with the Murrain that began before the Kings order even.
The druids of the Murrain would grant access to the grove and aid us get what we required and in return we would build a shrine to Talona for their priest Adam, The shrine was built and when it was time for them to fufill their part of the deal they reneged and attacked
Regardless this blight is caused by Tenebris sacrificing the Wereboar Barris to one of the Spirits. He said as much about 2 weeks ago when I asked if he had seen Barris recently
I'm certain he won't deny it if asked.
Sir Pierre
It seems Ten has taken to attacking new adventurers to the city as well.
Are the Wildwalkers going to continue to shelter him?
They are best suited to apprehend him as they can likely counter his ability to hide
Sir Pierre
Speaking as a former Murrain, he has attacked me as well. I would hunt him myself if I could find him, but he eludes me. He's a sneaky bastard and a threat to everyone. Wildwalkers included. I'd gladly join in taking him down.
-Raven Jenny Whitlock
The Hierophant, when we sent a letter asking if he'd protect the druid simply replied,
"Rat's are prey. Send a cat."
And then proceeded to get high on mushrooms, from what the messenger boy told me.
We can safely assume that, as per usual, the druids will let everyone else clean up their messes.
- Clerk Pinwall
I was recently informed that Tenebris is weak against fire. We should use this information against him at any opportunity we can. I recommend enflaming silver weapons if possible.
-Raven Jenny Whitlock
His Majesty has decreed that any who bring the head of Tenebris to his castle will find themselves dutifully rewarded by the realm.
- the Royal Herald
Tenebris has been slain. While looking for essences in the Helmlands we encountered a very powerful and Chaotic elemental. While we battled it, Tenebris chose this time to strike us. In the ensuing choas Tenebris was subdued until we dealt with the elemental. Myself, Miss Pelegia, Miss Izereth, Mr. Ichobald, Mr. Treth and Miss Polly all then attempted to escort him away. We were attacked by Plagued Wererats, and in the confusion, Tenebris tried to escape. Myself and Mr. Treth managed to stop him from escaping, and Miss Pelegia is credited with the killing blow, and to keep him from being recovered by his brood, he was taken to Tilverton. For more details please let me know, but the Wererat Tenebris is dead.
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