Murder Case
If the House of the Morning will not turn Stillwater over to the Precept to face justice, I am certain I can rustle up some support to bring her in by force if needs be
Its really in your best interests to hand her over, to prevent any more embarrasing bootlicking incidents
Pierre of the Black Chalice
If the same thing happened in Eveningstar then the people involved would probably share some of the same feelings that the Precept do now. But we would not involve the council as once again, this isn't a city matter. It's squabbling between the Precept who has issues with a law from another village and them projecting their outrage to it here in Arabel. It's petty, it's dumb, and it's not a council issue.
DawnHammer Argun the Strong
I seem to recall a very large file on the Murrain where a bounty was demanded on them for mistakenly killing a follower of Lathander during the war and then killing a traitor who was spying on them for the House of the Morning
How is Stillwater killing two Bloodhounds any different, besides you like her and you dont like the Murrain
I would suggest you turn her over to the Precept to face justice
Pierre of the Black Chalice
Tell you what Pierre, you turn over the Murrian to rot in prison and I will vote for the same for Stillwater. Otherwise, a penance as the Murrian were given seems fair.
Well for starters, Evelyn was attacked and defended herself. She was not the aggressor against an innocent, cut their throat, then try to dispose of the body down a river.
Secondly, Evelyn is not part of an organization that -Attacked the city of Arabel-.
DawnHammer Argun the Strong
The Murrain killed people in a -War- that the House of the Morning started
Stillwater killed people because she chose to not just leave the Historic district which the Precept control when she was told to depart, there is quite a bit of difference
Pierre of the Black Chalice
How about restitution of 10000 to be paid to the Precept for the deaths of the Bloodhounds and an apology to the Precept from Stillwater in the Sanctum in person
I am certain Argun can give her good tips on grovelling
Pierre of the Black Chalice
I will happily get right on that, just as soon as Tilverton makes reparations for the fifty civilians they slaughtered.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
There are no reparations to be paid for that.
Eveningstar does however still owe Tilverton 25000 for that war you started and lost, That we are giving you time to pay.
Keep being faecetious and I'll advise the Duke to demand quick repayment even if it bankrupts the Bishop.
Stillwater is not getting away with her actions and you will not cover for her.
Pierre of the Black Chalice
The difference, Pierre, is in who attacked who. But we can certainly explore that avenue if you insist.
As far as the Order of the Aster is concerned, this matter is settled and over, but if the council will not let it rest, we can certainly discuss what reparations the Precept owes us for their attack.
-Dawnknight Theron Harcourt
This matter is not settled until the woman makes an apology for the death of Bloodhound Kadiz and Roland, and the head of Belorak is returned to us for proper burial.
The woman defiled the body of our brother and his soul will not rest until he is properly put to ground.
-True Bloodhound Ydira
As far as the H.o.M. are concerned, it is. As far as this Council is concerned, it's a personal affair. Please direct any other inquiries you might have about what happened to the H.o.M. and they will be happy to send a reply. Thank you, and have a nice day.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
You are not the council Argun.
I agree with the Bloodhound here
At the least Stillwater needs to appear before the Precept and apologise for killing two Bloodhounds.
I would suggest reparations as well, But if the Precept is content with an apology we support this
Pierre of the Black Chalice
As do I, an apology is a small ask, and it should be one the Knight is willing to give, for the greater good.
I'll call the vote then.
If it passes I'd say both Eveningstar representatives should face the loss of voting rights until they ensure Stillwater apologies to the Precept so they cannot just ignore it
Pierre of the Black Chalice
As much as it pains me, this file should be archived, as the council decided it was fine for members of the Precept to be murdered in the streets for doing their job, by Knights of the House of the Morning.
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