Bugged Pear Trees
Pear Trees
Multiple Areas - where the new pear trees were added.
version: 220217 Spiffy 7475Issue: The newly added pear trees do not seem to spawn any pears. At the very least, they do not respawn them. Example, when I get the ones in Moonsea Ride: Slyndyke, the old tree that was originally there works fine, but the three newly added ones are always empty.
@shadowfax Can confirm, they do not spawn pears. Not even directly after a server reset. I was gathering up the locations of what I could find.
Here we go.
East Way Masoner's Bridge: Broken Pear Tree
Eveningstar: Broken Chestnut Trees, only one works.
Eveningstar Cranberries: Only middle one works
High Road Haunted Halls: Pear trees don't work
Outskirts Calanter's Road: Pear trees don't work
Outskirts High Road: Only one pecan tree works
Sling Dyke: Only one pear tree works
I have some time off coming this weekend and will hopefully get these fixed then.
S/B fixed v7484
E Echo moved this topic from Bug Reports on