Treason by Charisbonde and the Bloody Baker
Whilst I do not throw the word treason around lightly I believe this is the only charge for the crimes perpetrated by Bishop Charisbonde and the Bloody Baker
They have orchestrated a war using their churches for their own personal power,
Peforming fairly obvious attacks on my Dukes lands to provoke retaliation
The first was a attack on his estate, people with Lathanderite amulets tried to use fire and acid bombs to damage the property, this was foiled, the evidence shown to Toussaint who was supposed to organise a ritual to identify who orchestrated it but so far has failed to do so.
Second was the incident the Lathanderites call the 50, However I shall now reveal the true tale of this, And its not one the House of the Morning would tell you. Charisbonde planned this as a no win situation for the Duke, He contacted some serfs and persauded them to leave and organised an escort, sucseed or fail he struck at the Duke, If the escort escaped with the Serfs it may encourage others to leave and weaken the rule of law, It did not and gave him opportunity to cry for war for their executions
Next was the caravan attack reported here
The Royal Majesties through the High Council requested that if the Lathanderites wished to do good they would send someone to face my Dukes justice and be held accountable,
@spiffymeister said in An Explanation Is Demanded:
The explanations has been received and the advice of the Council of Twelve has been noted by your betters.
Note, his Grace, Duke Obyn, has praised Gareth for his level-headed behavior and his contributions to the peace of this nation. The Temple of Tymora and Helm are chastised for allowing their followers to perform acts of petty banditry in his Grace's lands.
As for the 'moral legitimacy' of Eveningstar, we do indeed understand the plight of his Grace's subjects, but each noble is permitted to rule their lessers as they see fit upon their lands.
If you truly believe in righteous causes, Lathanderite, then you shall do good and risk his Grace's ire- for indeed, if a Lord is King in his domain, what king must ask for help to keep his own peace?
-The High Council
Nobody came and so we struck back.
Due to the actions by the damned traitor Kincaid and Stillwater they further escalated things which led to my Duke executing Ravos for the actions of the Ravens to try and keep the peace but due to Charisbondes ambitions it was refused and war declared with terms so foolish no one would accept
Despite the emergency annoucement I must notify the council that on several occasions members of the House of the Morning have attempted to incite violence, Argun throwing a bin over me to provoke a fight which caused Toussaint to step between us.
It should also be know that when the Bloody Baker revealed Kincaid as the traitor the two of them tried to incite me to violence in the temple, stating it would be an excuse to drag the church and city into the conflict
Let us hold these warmongers to account and restore order to the region
Pierre "The Butcher" Cambrian
I could sit here and argue with this, but instead I will keep it short. Unlike you, Pierre, we at Eveningstar actually have documented proof in the Raven's own hand writing of the Raven's planning to, and how to, incite a war, not only between Eveningstar and Tilverton, but the foreign forces of Cormyr as well. This is your chance to drop this ridiculous notion.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
Yes and we have proof of the things we accuse you of as well.
The difference is Ravos was executed and the Duke held accountable for the actions of his men
No one has been held accountable from the house of the morning.
I'll find somebody to do the divination on the amulet as Toussaint is unreachable and cannot be trusted
Pierre "The Butcher" Cambrian
Ser Pierre,
The clerks had a long, thorough discussion about the legality of this and its been more or less agreed on that what Charisbonde supposedly did is completely legal in the context of the rights, obligations, and privileges nobility possesses. If His Grace wishes to enforce consequences, that is what his army is for.
As for Arianna...
Well, we did ask for her opinion and she responded thusly-
"You can lick my ass."
- Clerk Robertson
Clerk Robertson, I find your statement to be hard to believe.
I don't think Arianna would of used such kind words.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
Petty personal matter have no place on the Council, not even the Duke's.
Dame Drakebane
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