[CLOSED/DENIED] Remove Toussaint the False
The relevant Peer Review is here
He's entirely mishandled the Murrain situation and it's hard to ascertain now what truly occured.
There is also the hiring people to commit crimes against my Duke on behalf of the council
He should have stepped down as a result of the duel but has not
He needs to go before he shames us further
Naturally yes
The Butcher
Reading through the archives, isn't this exactly what got the whole council fired last time you tried it Pierre?
[various clerks exchange bags of gold based off the most recent post and continue observing the bulletin board]
The terms were clearly set here
He answered.
The maiming was due to new information coming to light, That he had tried to bribe the Murrain to work against My Duke for a pardon or the bounties not being issued, if Hans would kidnap two serfs and escort them to Eveningstar, A crime that would see the serfs dead if the plot was discovered.
So he ties the council to crimes against my Duke and possibly risks 2 lives all for a power play.
Pierre "The Butcher"Cambrian
It's quite clear in the terms that he accepted.
I mean...
It's literally written down.
Clerk Johnson
Why is this even up for voting? Again, Pierre is just tossing up votes to try and strongarm things -his- way. This is the second time he's done this without discussing what he wanted to vote on first.
Pierre already sought to take this injustice into his own hands, dueled Julien who lost, and -chopped off the mans arm.-
This is strike two Pierre, one more and I'll give you your own review.
-DawnHammer Argun the Strong
/// Remove one no please, didn't realise OOCly I couldn't vote
Since we have six against and only one for, with Julien recusing himself, this motion fails as it can not gain a majority.
D druidtek locked this topic on