Faction Agenda and Goals
BY ORDER OF FIRST PEER JASTYNE VAYLAN, IN THE NAME OF THE PEOPLE OF ARABEL, THE COUNCIL OF TWELVE PEERS IS HEREBY CONVENEDThe continued and growing threat to the lands demand a unified will and purpose. Therefore this council has been formed with the goals of:-- Defend the Free City and Lands of Arabel from all external threats most urgently that of the White Horde
-- Restore the beauty and peace of the Land by cleansing the taint of corruption with the death of the foul Warlord Herku'ktaz
-- Bring the Traitor to the People, one Obyn formerly of House Misrim, to justice
-- The destruction of the renegade and hostile force known as the Ghosts -
By order of their Majesties the Council of Twelve Peers is recognized and stands for the people against the most dire threats to the realmThe continued and growing threat to the safety and security of the Kingdom demand that the council take steps to:-- End the threat of the Warlord Zuguk
-- See the Heart Gem resolved
-- Work to ease the suffering of the people affected by ill tempered nature and restore the land to prosperity for the people. -
By order of their Majesties the Council of Twelve Peers is recognized and stands for the people against the most dire threats to the realm#### The continued and growing threat to the safety and security of the Kingdom demand that the council take steps to:
* Curtail the more brutal aspects of the Talonite faith.
* Maintain "aggressive neutrality" in the Eveningstar and Tilverton conflict
* Balance the conflict between the rival powers in Eveningstar and Tilverton so that the Kingdom ostensibly remains united against external threats -
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By order of her Majesty the Queen the Council of Twelve Peers is recognized and stands for the people against the most dire threats to the realmThe continued and growing threat to the safety and security of the Kingdom demand that the council take steps to:- [
Reclaim the Helmlands, and defeat the Beholder Hive](https://nodebb.cityofarabel.com/topic/56649/the-helmlands-beholder/28)Lead by the Wildwalkers
Free the Eastern Marches from the planar warLead by the Precept Arcanum
Cleanse the land of Eveningstar from the shadow plagueLead by the House of the Morning
Co-operate with the Crown GuardsContinuous work
Keep the peace within the kingdom- Continuous work
Respect and protect the peace treaty with CormyrContinuous work
- [
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By order of her Majesty the Queen the Council of Twelve Peers is recognized and stands for the people against the most dire threats to the realm
The continued and growing threat to the safety and security of the Kingdom demand that the council take steps to:
- Defeat Tilverton in the on going war
- Minimal civilian causalities
- Recover nobility loyal to the crown
- Bring Duke Obyn Misrim to justice
- The act of murder, through the abhorrent practice of human sacrifice
- Engaging in infernal activities, masquerading under the guise of the Church of Siamorphe and his self-proclaimed Black Chalice
- Practicing necromancy, unlawfully reanimating his subjects for undisclosed purposes.
- Committing acts of sedition by engaging in clandestine treaties with Sembia and neighboring nations along our borders
- Bring Father Isaacson to justice
- The act of murder, through the abhorrent practice of human sacrifice
- Engaging in infernal activities, masquerading under the guise of the Church of Siamorphe and Duke Obyn's self-proclaimed Black Chalice
- Practicing necromancy, unlawfully reanimating his subjects for undisclosed purposes
- Defeat Tilverton in the on going war