@puffy said in Lobo/Meshla/Aasmir:
Hesitant yes, as long as he accepts that aasimars arent treated well nor should he expect to be.
They SHOULDN'T be treated well, but they are, at least by the adventuring populace.
A hesitant yes from me as well.
Agreed with the above points!
Additional votes would be appreciated.
Not a fan of the player's OOC reactions to events of the past in general.
He has a rash inducing Hero Complex. -
I don't have the history with these PCs or Lobo so hard for me to decide what he will do. His OOC to me regarding the Murrain PVP was weird and he wouldn't stop complaining about it.
But it seems he is over it and wants a new concept. I will Yes for this but hopefully he won't go OOC complain again if things don't go his way.
I don't think Lobo should be given a subrace after throwing a fit over that last pvp conflict, and certainly not a subrace that ostensibly should directly put them in conflict with others.
This concept can easily be done as a human, dwarf, or whatever, and will actually give them what they claim to want: a sterile safe experience where nothing bad ever happens to them.
I agree with Strawman and Misty. He’s too much OOC drama, doesn’t accept consequences at all, and has been decidedly unfun.
Changed to no as well
I feel remiss that I did not communicate that if he shows improvement based on the feedback Acererak gave him, then I'd be open to a subrace for a future concept. I've attempted a couple times previously with feedback as a DM and did an OOC convo as a player with Lobo so maybe 4th+ time is a charm?
I'm hopeful as well. Theyve been filling my dms about how unfair and unbalanced the conflict is and I've tried to explain the best thing they can learn is how to lose gracefully.
It is not going well.
It's a process, I was looking at this app as positive reinforcement. We've approved way worse apps, the content of his OOC character is in question given he has difficulty separating IC events from his personal feelings.
But I must confess I was in this position once too, and I didn't grow from it until I started interacting with players more. Not saying we should allow the app through, only saying it seems we've all explained ourselves to the guy, and he won't learn until he has some experience.
Encouraging him to play the right way > Explaining why he's playing the wrong way.
How we circulate that into an application? I've no fucking clue. :^D
That's why I'm viewing the app wit my personal feelings aside. It's written fine, we've approved dumber shit. We have much stronger PCs in game, and his stat block isn't as ridiculous as a lot of them that are out there.
"worse app might be subjective" I have no issue with the application. My concern is the OOC issues of the player and the unfun that historically follows him.
- He denied players in the HoM the opportunity to have the IC victory of bringing someone who betrayed them to task
- He wants to be part of the fun part of a conflict based story and stick it to others ICly but cannot deal with IC consequences when things happen to his PC
- If he had "won" the betrayal he'd be bragging how awesome it was. Since he "lost" the betrayal is was unfair because of mechanics
This is a cool concept. Let's see how he does with the guidance from Acererak and we can revisit later.
@prof-misclick said in Lobo/Meshla/Aasmir:
This is a cool concept. Let's see how he does with the guidance from Acererak and we can revisit later.
Alright, but am skeptical at best xD
Informed the player the app was denied. He's shelving it for now.
Lord_Acererak — Today at 10:32 PM
Hey man, got a sec?
only lobo republic — Today at 10:33 PM
Lord_Acererak — Today at 10:33 PM
Can we talk about the application a bit? Got some time?
only lobo republic — Today at 10:34 PM
I got a bit sure
Lord_Acererak — Today at 10:37 PM
We like the idea, the concept is solid. The only hold up has been something that we've seen as a point of concern around some of your pcs, and we believe it mostly just has to do with you being new to the server, and not having much experience. Something I personally think a concept like this you could resolve.
Tieflings/Aasmir are stronger than the average character, even when not supported by a faction. Its balanced out by some In Game Roleplay traits, usually manifested as stigma against that race, but also by the player playing the PC. I'm talking weaknesses that help represent the concept.
What you described are some solid weaknesses, what worries us is the fact that you want to be mechanically strong before displaying them.
On top of that, we have seen some behavior from you regarding pvp when it doesn't go your way where you get sour, which is fine - the problem is taking it out on the players. You can rant all you like to a DM. Its encouraged especially if you don't feel something was fair, but out of respect for the setting, and how easily it is to create a toxic environment, we would request that you keep this in mind, and if you see something or feel that something is unfair, bring it to us first instead of players.
If you can agree to those two things, youre green for go.
only lobo republic — Today at 10:49 PM
Few the displaying of the weaknesses, I can try to work on some type of introduction that cant highlight those flaws, maybe draw other players attention from the very start and help keep me cogniscent of those flaws from the get go. For the PvP angle, I can try to catch myself when I feel a bout of complaints coming on and bring it to either one of the story tellers or DMs. You can use this as a written agreement as to my agreement to such and take what measures you deem necessary if the team feels i did not live up to as necessary
Lord_Acererak — Today at 10:58 PM
What we really need is to actually see this in action first. We want you to run with a concept first that can display these qualities, strengths and weaknesses even when things aren't going your way, and if a conflict arises, the ooc feelings remain separate from character choice/ideals. After than we would approve something like this.
Basically just, show us what you can do on a pc, project your pcs skills, their strengths -and- their weaknesses, and keep your ooc feelings separate from in game actions and then we would be more than happy to move forward.
Does that make sense?
only lobo republic — Today at 11:04 PM
It does, though it does mean ill need to think of somthing for now while this one sits on the back burner. Which kinda is disappointing, really wanted to run adventure crew on the bard. I will need time to think of somthing before I can put another character that can demonstrate what the team wants
Lord_Acererak — Today at 11:09 PM
Well, maybe run with the same ideal as a humie or half elf or something? I think you've got this. Like I said this is just (in my opinion) an exposure thing. I spent 8 years before I even joined a NPC faction, I -hated- the dms because I felt their calls were unfair. I absolutely despised pvp because it always felt like the other guy didn't give a shit. This went on for... a long time for me. What ended up changing was I joined a group that didn't care OOC if they won or lost. Which to me was ... fuckn' weird. It was my perspective that it was only fun if we got our way.. But they showed me otherwise, and I feel I grew from it.
That was me though, and you got your own thing and your own feelings on shit, i'm just tryn to help.
only lobo republic — Today at 11:15 PM
I feel if i take the same idea and run it again it may feel bland for the next run if you get what i mean. Rather I try somthing else, maybe experiment on somthing rather than toake this idea and rehash it. Its what i usually do for fihgters anyway. And finding a group is tough at the moment for me at the moment. Players already seem to have their groups, and I dont mesh with evil playstyles. Playing evil jsut actually makes me feel bad
Lord_Acererak — Today at 11:34 PM
thats okay man, take your time, find a group you can respect and maintain a healthy playstyle with and just show us what you can do. -
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