Blisterfoot Inn
Module version : Deth 7437
Quest name Blisterfoot Inn
Quests giver: Foreboding Light
ZQA: Forgot to check
Level range: 4-9
Party requirements :1-10
Number of people that did the quest: 1
Party composition with levels: Lvl 8
Quest turn in gp and xp: 250gp, 175 xpRan into a lot of mobs that weren't hostile. Mostly the casters, from what I saw. The Masked ones, the Warriors and the undead were hostile, but everyone else ignored me. (The boss was also hostile, that guy is a grade A jerk.)
A lot of the markings on the ground had the selection glow. Made navigating some areas a little awkward, especially the room with like...7 totem poles.
I noticed none of the mobs dropped anything.
Only 2 chests had any actual loot. A 'scroll box' half way, and a locked chest in the boss room. Every single other loot box had gold, ranging from 468 in one, to 58 in another, with two more in-between. I thought it odd that scroll boxes and weapon racks had more gold.
The ambience was nice, and the Masked guys were actually pretty scary.
I did enjoy the quest, but it would have been much harder to solo if all the mobs were hostile like I suspect they're meant to be.
- Fixed NPCs so they are all hostile
- Fixed treasure for more drops
- Changed quest to 7-10
- Removed selection glow
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