Further conflict between the Astar and Ravens?
Before further discussion is permitted-
Where did you get this information?
Dame Saga,
A patriotic soul was kind enough to warn Eveningstar of these attacks. I have no doubt that the spycatchers roaming Tilverton are active for this reason.
The good news is that there is still light in Tilverton, despite the heavy cloak cast upon it from the Black Chalice.Squire Stillwater
Why would the Squire's word be taken over mine? I have served this kingdom well, often coming to the aide of Eveningstar. Other then make wild claims, what has the squire done?
This evidence is a farce. Who fabricated it for you squire? Was it one of your order? Or was it some peasant trying to get some coin? I demand to speak to your source.
Raven Arn Targon
Mr. Targon,
Have you ever pondered, why the animal most known for its quick tongue, is the same animal most known for its venom?
Lies and truth come out of your mouth in such a manner that one cannot discern them from each other. I invite any member of this council to look at the hand writing on the fragments I brought forth, then at the handwriting of the notes I have gathered, and judge for themselves.You are in no position to make demands of any Knight of the Aster. I came to this council, so that your attacks on Eveningstar may be brought to light, and so the King and Queen have the opportunity to ensure law and order, before Eveningstar and the Order of Aster do so themselves.
Dawnsquire Evelyn Stillwater
Which fragment that you shared was in my hand? I recall none of these statements. You are either lying, or being made a fool. Neither are worth of a someone trying to become a knight.Stop your dispersions, until you present your source.
Raven Arn Targon
Mr. Targon,
I took a note from another file, and placed it with the ones we gathered from Tilverton. The very bottom of the pile, I believe is your hand writing. I marked it so you can see it.I hope we can put this all to rest. I will gladly work alongside the new Councilor form Eveningstar to unify the Kingdom and this Council.
Raven TargonThe file contains three fragments we collected from Tilverton. To compare, I took the liberty of gathering writings from each of the three ravens I know by name, you, Pierre and Alexander.
I understand, Mr. Targon, that it is not a pleasent experience, being caught in the spider web of your own making. From the vast amount of information we have from Tilverton, it seems you have been planning these attacks for quite a while, and have created quite the scheme, for Eveningstar to meet its demise. While I detest the focus of your attention, I will admit that your plot is one worthy of the Red Knight herself. And Lathander would no doubt rejoice in your creativity, if not for the wicked and vicious intend behind your plans.
I believe I have presented sufficient evidence, once it is supplied with the testimony of Lorenza. But we have much more, Mr. Targon. Continue your lies, by all means. It is not I who is making a fool of myself at present. There is more evidence where this came from.
Dawnsquire Evelyn Stillwater
Raven Targon,
Enlighten us to the events after you became sick after the ritual that created this chalice from the wound of the Hullack the druids tried to remove?
And before you answer, do remember I was there like you, observing the foolishness of the druids. Not only did they remove this "wound" and stuffed it into a now cursed chalice, but they also created unnatural overgrowth of the forest at the time, and many of us felt something escaped, however, you were the only one visibly affected.
I recall seeing you ill for the whole tenday. Since the above proof claims you "died",Was this illness you suffered the Chaos Phage, that several arcanist identified as the possible source of the resent sightings?
You were also seen in Eveningstar when the Slaadi hit there by witnesses who assisted in their removal and the druidess places you there as well. Could you share your point of view on the two matters?
Dawnsquire Stillwater,
These fragments, are you telling us they are from Tilverton's files? Have they been authenticated?
Bloodhound Ydira
I am a loyal Raven, and we all saw today the price of disloyalty to the Duchy. So I swear on the honor of Tiverton, and the Duchy, the things I say next are wholly and only the truth.
I accompanied Meil and his band of friends to the Pool holy to many in the Hullack. There a ritual was performed, and a wound to the land was attempted to be healed. During the ritual, I sensed an ancient and wild magic at work. Mixing Necromancy and Conjuration. It was at this point that I told you we should leave. Do you remember that? I then moved to the portal out and again made it clear we should leave. I was ignored. Then the druid touched that wound, that ancient magic. She filled her chalice as planed. But it overflowed. To me and to her. Her connection to the land apparently made it less of an infection. My connection to the weave made mine more severe. I became ill almost immediately. I began an un natural thirst for restorative potions. Each time I drank boils I later learned were eggs from Slaadi grew. I had the Mystrans try to help me, but they determined they could not. As it got worse, I knew something might happen. So I went back to the pool and bathed in the waters. The eggs moved. Faced with the prospect of accidentally letting these things tied to this forest run free in Tiverton or Arabel proper, I decided to cut them out. I started with the one on my leg. Then went for the one on my side. after much loss of blood and many many potions, I dug out the one in my neck. At that point I blacked out. I awoke to a nearly full grown Slaad. It ran from me, I chased it, but lost it the woods.
I do not study diseases, so I do not know the name. But I do know it was as much a curse as it was a disease.
Days later, I heard the alarms in Eveningstar. As I have done in the past, I rushed there to aid. I take a moment here to state, again under oath. I was tasked with repairing the damaged relation between Tiverton and all the kingdom. The Warden, before his death, tasked me to focus on Eveningstar. Back to the alarm. I heard the screams, I looked around and to my horror, I spotted a slaad, but not one like the one I chased. This one was darker, bigger, all around different. I prepared myself and gave chase. I saw the corpse of the druid to the side, slaadi jumping out of the portal and the other Talonites fighting. I joined the fight and we got the upper hand. I examined the portal and saw in my mind the image of a man in black in the Hullack. I told this to Jim. I told him to go find him. He said the man was there in eveningstar. I attuned the summoning portal to myself, so I could control it. I was almost done, then.... I was dead.
What I say now is what was reported to me. This is on the honor of those that told me. Not the Duchy. I was told Jim killed me. Then the portal closed. Either because it was linked to me, or because I did manage to close it. The Mystrans were given my body and they removed the last of the boils from my corpse. Then they transported me to the Hullack and returned me to life. Clean of the curse. You will have notice if you are around me, I have not coughed since then. From what was pieced together, the druid's connection from the previous ritual spoiled the one she was performing in Eveningstar.
Unasked, I would like to comment on the documents. Some of it is true. Some of it is forged. Some is from different files taken out of context. Either the Dawnsquire has been lied to, or her informant was. Either way, this matter should be closed and we should get back to the business of the Kingdom.
Raven Arn Targon
Thank you Raven Targon.
We have no heard from Raven Targon and Dawnsquire Stillwater. We await some last information asked from the Dawnsquire, however, I find it every member of this council should voice their opinion on this matter.
Councilor Toussaint (( @DracoS )), you have voiced your concerns on this matter. Do you wish to add anything else?
Councilors, Xisdrith (( @Valkyrie )) and Underhill (( @Finalmint )), do you have anything you wish to share on this?
Dame Drakesbane,
I was informed the leader of the Ravens was executed today. Was this related to this dreadful business? If so, are we, the Council of Twelve, to shelf this issue, or do you wish further investigation in to the matter further, as the Slaadi problem is unfortunately linked to this mess and falls within the purview of this Council?
Bloodhound Ydira
The formee leader of the Ravens was executed for these crimes, no further legal action is planned.
Clerk Johnson
It has come to my attention that Loric of the Precept, and Dawnsquire Stillwater plan to capture me and and steal my ability to cast magic in retaliation to this matter. I hope that it is just a rumor. Otherwise I remind the Dawnsquire and I ask you, Bloodhound Ydira, to remind the accidental fiend summoner, this matter is closed and it would be a crime to attack me so.
Raven Arn Targon
Mr. Targon,
Do refrain from accusations unless you can provide proof to back your words. Otherwise we must let the sword settle the matter. Your wrecked master Calantar paid the iron price for your crimes, proving my accusations against Tilverton were true. If you cannot accept the Kings peace, then you force our hand, to vote you out, and let Lord Misrim find a more worthy representative, if one exist.Stillwater
I did leave open the possibility that it was a rumor. If this was a rumor that has no merit, then by all means, I apologize.But if it does ring true, then you would be a liar here in the Council and an oath breaker to the terms of your duel with Kincaid. Careful your misplaced ire does not cause you to be voted on.
It is my hope we can work together for the betterment of the Kingdom. Set down your hatred. I can freely say I have none for you.
Raven Arn Targon
You should know better than to believe rumors, Councilor Targon.
Bloodhound Ydira