Owlbear Quest Suggestions
Increase AB and damage on Owlbears around the board, e.g. Owlbear Elder has an ab of 11/6, buff that up to 14/9 and make them a rarer spawn.
Give everything in the quest another 30 hp, and increase boss HP to roughly 180.
Matriarch AB is even lower than the Elder, add more by way of barbarian levels to give her a rage as well, 8/3 to 15/10/5 ideally, 3 apr isn't too much given she spawns alone.
Everyone else post their thoughts in here.
Moving this to Suggestions: Quest Tweaks and Feedback so all quest stuff is kept in the same place.
might be worth giving the matron some sr and dr too, even if minor. SR10 2/- DR?
spawning alone she is going to be spammed with all the holding spells out there, and multiple attacks incoming from several frontline.
I agree with the rage and increase on the owlbears. Was said ore node will be in there which is cool. Maybe some loot that is themed from owlbears. Not sure what that might be but I like themed things. Maybe don't let the matron do summoning unless it's to summon more of her brood perhaps
Adjusted the Encounter sizes - realized they were min. 1, max 5, which is why the quest was too easy.
Added 2 more encounters
Set locked variable to 0 on loot placeables - you cannot lock a pile of hay!
Owlbears - AB/AC/HP adjustments
Fixed the issue with ores not spawning -
Owl Bear Pelt
Cut from the body of a freshly slain owlbear this pelt provided a thick layer of protectionfrom the claws of its competitors, alas it was less potent agains tthe hunters spears...
base item - cloak
stats - slashing res 5%, piercing vunerability 5% -
Gnawed Bone
The left over remains of some humanoid.
Base item - bone miscelaneous
stats - 10 charges, infection of maggots 3 charges/use -
Owl Bear Dung
A nugget of finest brown.
base item - miscellaneous item
stats - 10 charges, stinking cloud 3 charges/use, single use cloudkill -
Owl Bear Totem
This necklace made from the claw nails of an owl bear has been enchanted to provide some protection against the previous owner.
base item - amulet
stats - bonus ac +2 vs monstrous (?), hold monster single use -
Great ideas, Cadiz! Thank you.
Glad someone had ideas I keep drawing blanks
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