[No] Call for Vote: Viceroy Jack
"Offered their service to Obyn in the midst of our negotiations, whilst representing and serving the Council."
"Saw a business opportunity and disregarded the impact their offer had on Arabel, and the Council."
-Luckbringer OttilieIt is true Viceroy Jack Wild is useful and has done some deeds of worth. But I cannot turn a blind eye on one of the last wisdoms and reports the luckbringer gifted upon our council. His deal with Obyn was an attempt at a "better" opportunity for selfish gains and to my understanding was declined. These actions speak against what our council stands for and thus I do not vote in favor of him having a seat.
-Sir Tiatus Thornwind, High Dawnknight of Eveningstar
I second Tiatus's vote regarding this man.
Dawnbringer Jadzia Sunguard
There's not much to substantiate the rumors about them working with Obyn until evidence is brought forward, which it hasn't been to my attention. Suspicious behavior perhaps but nothing actionable. Overall a benefit to the Council as I see it, and I did tell him as such. Thus my vote is cast.
-Councillor Grucrec, son of Torunden
What is he a Viceroy of? We need to update the records to document his nobility.
- Clerk Robinson
Given his unlikely position as a ruler of a sovereign nation, he must be some sort of migratory butterfly.
Per the definition of the title, of course.
-Bookish Clerk
Is it possible he just... made it up? That would be shocking wouldn't it?
Didn't we just have a revolution about all those titles and such?We do have a King and Queen again though, so I suppose they might get a bit mad over such things now.
-Clerk Edwin.
We know who you are, bookish clerk. Reveal yourself or face the consequences.
Clerk Robinson.
Dearest Clerk Robinson,
Though our journey together through the Peoples Revolution, the crowning of the Faceless King, his assassination, our founding of a new Peoples Government, so many triumphs followed by oh-so many defeats, I find it no longer within my abilities to look the other way.
I have filed to the fullest extent of my ability numerous complaints with Mister Scarbrough (before his retirement) regarding your conduct and professionalism. Furthermore, Clerik Robinson, the snide comments I've heard third-party about your lack of appreciation regarding my chosen attire, glasses, pocket-protector, have gone -far enough- and therefore I submit my resignation.
Long live the Faceless King,
Long live Free Arabel.-Clerk Clarke Bookish
You embezzled more than all of us combined, Clarke Bookish, but don't think I will take this accusation lying down, nay- your pocket protector, your eye glasses, , and your stupid scarf from your 'dearly departed' girlfriend (you overpaid the whore you twit and she actually felt bad for you) shall remain atop the mantle of my fireplace, where it shall stay until you kiss my feet.
Clerk Robinson...
Hear, hear!
And good riddance,
Recommendation sent for Robinsons immediate promotion to Senior Clerk.
-Clerk Johnson
So, are we charging this man for impersonating authority? Is that what this vote is for? The thread appears lost.
-Clerk Pinwell
Seeing as there is confusion on the individual in question, and some conflict with the Palace staff, I will just vote neigh and end this vote. The individual will be reconsidered at a later time.
-Dextar Jes'tar
No, we're hunting down Clerk Bookish, Pinwell.
Pay attention.
Clerk Robinson
P.S: Clerk Johnson, I am dearly grateful for you recommendation, but I cannot in good faith be a role model for my fellow clerks.
///Jadzia shakes her head at all of you.