The Commander's Guide to the Council
The Commander's Guide to the Council
Fortune favors the bold!
The Council of Twelve Peers is a ragtag band of Arabel's best heroes, to be a Councilor is both an honor, and a heavy burden. It is to my hope that this quick guide will inspire others to take the leap, whilst also guiding future members during their time on the council. Have fun, and don't panic!On the Council
- The Council is about uniting under one banner, for the better of Arabel, never forget this
- You will disagree and agree with other councilors, but remember that the focus is to unite, and not divide
- Make yourself available to others, and if you agree to their cause, bring it forward to the Council, let your allies reap the rewards
- Be mindful of what you share, but also remember a hidden council might as well be no council, be visible but not dumb
On your membership
- Don't bother trying to herd cats, you cannot win every battle and it is best you just accept it
- Contribution from each member will vary, don't stress over others success and others failure
- Lack of effort from others means their influence is lessened, more effort equals more influence
- If you want to make a difference, then you should make your voice heard and give your opinion, silence is submission
- Always vote, even if you are not confident, cause you are here to make a difference, not sit on the fence
- Be bold, bring up your suggestions and go for the craziest dreams. Even if they do not pass now, perhaps they will later
On the battlefield
- Adventurers and councilors are stubborn, guide them gently, but don't bother holding their hand, they are adults
- Allow the leader to lead, but don't hesitate to support them when the need arrives, they are your leader and friend
- Save bickering and arguments for when the battle is over, don't linger on the battlefield to discuss your passionate stamp collection
- Reward adventurers who aid you, write their names on your reports, and thank them for helping you. This will ensure they will come back
- Always prepare for anything, and make sure your allies are too. You can sit on thousands of potions, but they are no good when you are dead, share
On reports
- Everyone write reports differently, but I like to keep them short cause I find most people have a short attention span
- Write your report when the memory is fresh, don't let the backlog pile up, it will just stress you out
- A short report, is better than no report. Don't worry about the details, others can chip in if you miss something
- If you need to do something based of the report, be open about it and note it down
- Always share your next adventurers time and date ahead of time in the achieves, and invite allies along
On leadership
- You will make mistakes, don't fret and rely on your fellow councilor's strengths
- Allow others to speak their mind, rely on the differences in the council, variation is a strength
- There is a lot more paperwork, and meetings, than there is battle. Just roll with it
- Don't expect everyone to listen, focus on the task at hand, and do your best
- Supply your allies, spread your wealth, and share your knowledge. Don't be greedy, share your supplies
- The best leader, is the one who listens, and considers the others words
- You won't have the best ideas, if you like someone's idea, support it and drive it forward
- Accept feedback, ask for feedback, and consider feedback. But, don't forget to believe in yourself!
Best of luck, and fortunes favor!
Luckbringer Ottilie Taaliyah, Commander of the Council of Twelve Peers -
I plan to publish this to the library, feedback is encouraged!
Luckbringer Ottilie
Minor edits, any feedback or corrections before I publish this?
Luckbringer Ottilie
Seems good enough for me!
-therene -
Submitted to the library!
Luckbringer Ottilie
This has the stamp of approval of the Order of Aster, and as a document, I believe you've left much room for future commanders to comment on.
-Sir Nicholas,
Dawnknight of Eveningstar
Order of Aster -
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Commander duties, as detailed by Dame Drakesbane.
- Priorities tasks
- Create and evaluate plans
- Provide leadership on and off the battlefield
- Write, read, subliment council reports
- Keep the public well informed
- Deligate and involve others