1). Halfelf/Cleric of Tymora/CG/8/Ottilie Taaliyah
2). Official Clergy of Tymora
3). A general outline of goals, plans, or storylines to pursue- Encouraged risk taking and dream reaching through posters, IG action and by just being a friend.
- Hid treasures across the server, hints given via riddles, preaching the way of Tymora.
- Challenged the cheese queen via letters and forum posts, got chased by rats and robbed by sharks wererat. Really does not like rats now.
- Gambled her blood for 1k after Swifty's necro Nihlos challenged her, luckily won and got the money!
- Took the banite lieutenant on a city tour date focused on faith, with Osco as the chaperone. Has made a deal with Osco to drink poison together with the banite captain before the later has a duel with Gruffman's knight Nich in an attempt to convert the lieutenant and protect arabel. Been leaving Shamrocks and gifts by the Banite camp for the lieutenant, she really wants to convert him.
- Took a wager against Bowser's rot priest Zurask after he threatened the farmlands, ended up eating a maggot after the dice rolled against her.
- Charmed the Council through her reckless but happy-go-lucky attitude, earned their trust as a kind but hard working Tymoran by writing reports on what she found out IG, sharing information IG to other PCs, proclaiming herself focused on group work rather than her own agenda and thus earned herself a council seat
- Argued with Dario's secret alter ego over her shamrock posters which he kept stealing, putting up even more! Many trees were lost. Has hired PCs to put up Shamrocks for her in various locations in addition to her own.
- Has been supporting Nich to deal with his alcoholism, as well as aiding him in an attempt to convert Arlee to a goodly path away from Nihlos (has no idea about Nihlos, he's just very creepy). Encourages Nich to fight for those who he lost, rather than drown in sorrow.
- PvP'd with Zurask, remained despite losing so sparrow's Emissary could run and get friends. Baited him into infecting her, rather than the unconscious Rynn. Gags whenever she sees insects now
- Is now dancing hero/villain dance with her former friend now necro rot cultists Paul, as well as the exposed wererat Dario, with the most stakes against their master Zurask. Plans to meet Zurask in the Manticore
@Fizzgig said in Temple of Tymora:
Sealed with silver vax bearing the symbol of Tymora, this pristine piece of paper is delivered to the Temple of Tymora.
Ottilie Taaliyah
Unofficial priestess of Tymora, presenting herself before your judicial to become an official.
She who presents Arabel with Lady Luck's Little Shamrocks of Advice, to bring forth something lucky and nice.
Too she hid lucky treasure, of equal measure! Scattered far and wide across these lands, for those who wished to be flattered or battered.
Once the priest of rot stepped forth, threatening to bring rot and decay to all henceforth. Without hesitation she struck a wager to proclaim, "Leave our lands causing, no suffering or rampager! Least I fail this dice, then I shall eat your maggot twice the size of your mice." Much to her regret, she ate the maggot wet.
Grieving the suffering which had struck upon Slingdyke's hamlet, she decided more must be done than a paper pamphlet. So allies she raised a plenty, their support she gained without spending a penny. Reports were written, and the Council of Twelve smitten. Much to her joy they proclaimed, a new councilor she was named!
Upon discovering foul undead among the Gnoll Pass, Ottilie rallied the bold and reckless to cleanse the far away grass. First arrived the Emissary, with character and bow most legendary. Second came Rynn, a sharp paladin with a fanged grin. They did not reach far, when beset by undead frost giants and rot priest reeking tar. There he made his demands clear, their submission with no opposition. Much to his chagrin, they remained unwavering thanks to their boldness within. Battle ensued whilst the rot priest herded his undead cattle, the paladin Rynn stood firm but she was soon beaten down by the worms. Knowing she was not to last, Ottilie cried for the Emissary to flee fast, holding her ground with Tymora's might so that to her the punches came blowing. As the rot priest turned to the unconscious Rynn, Ottilie refused to let him begin. Shouting to the rot priest she laid her bait, thus towards her he went straight. Taunting Ottilie his haunting, the rot priestess attempting to force her into daunting. Yet, she would gladly give her sunset, and thus told the rot priest she had no regrets. Blankets of maggots upon her he set, but even till this day, she stands by her mindset.
Ottilie4). If you're not applying on your normal log-in or handle, what accounts have you played under?
It's me, Puffy! D:Background: Orphaned when her parents were killed in a Slingdyke raid when she was young, she has no memory of them and know nothing about her heritage not even her real age. Was never adopted and booted out of the orphanage when they figured she was probably old enough, tried and failed many jobs round and about Arabel's farmlands due to her taking too many chances. Gained the divine gift of Tymora recently and decided to try her luck on adventuring, thus headed into Arabel.
Can note here I 100% expect to die horribly in the nearby future, but my hope is to last at least another two weeks. Depends on Bowser and team evil, I am perfectly open to FD should they go for it!
I think this is easily earned
Would be happy to run some kind of induction event thing - set up a riddle you have to solve to gain entry.
I was going to say this needs more time, but then read Puffy basically plans to be dead in two weeks... so now I am torn...
It just seems very fast, and I'm unsure if my "It's Puffy" bias is an issue.
I don't really care that its Puffy - I think she's doing all the things we would tell any player to do for O.C., and this is something people app for on creation.
That said, I expect people probably know its her, and it might be smart to wait a bit to avoid people getting upset about percieved special treatment for DM PCs, as it would be quite fast
I hope people don't think its me!
She was also just recently added to the Council of 12 very early.
Maybe give it a little time - another week or so. If she's still alive, then yes. -
This was done then.
Ok. Hope it doesn't appear too fast to any players.
Set up.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on