[SET] CB/Succubus
[9:20 AM] CitizenBane: Hmm.... So....
[9:21 AM] CitizenBane: Is there a chance i could do an actual succubus character, disguised as a normal soldier who's looking to corrupt pcs and npcs enough to convince them to open up a portal to the abyss and start the apocalypse?
[9:22 AM] CitizenBane: It's the most interesting thing i can think up to take extreme interest in everyone else while plottiing to overthrow the powers at be at the same time
[9:31 AM] Echo: It's not scripted as a sub race or as a race for players to play. It would Require a really good app and someone to have the time to add it as a race if it gets approved. I will talk about it with professor when I get off work, but I make no promises
[9:35 AM] CitizenBane: It can be done mechanically via ring or item that gives succubus stats to save scripting problems. As for the app i thought it was somewhat of an emergency attempt to revive the server from player side :/
[9:36 AM] CitizenBane: i even kinda told you the gist of it, the rest i'd be improvising, hehe
[10:21 AM] Echo: Personally I wouldn't object at all honestly but it's not entirely up to me as you know
[11:27 AM] CitizenBane: Sure, talk it over
[11:37 AM] CitizenBane: I mean, sure it's a bit over the top but....
[11:40 AM] CitizenBane: I did a similar thing with Vaeldra when v5 was dead as a rock and it worked well imo
[3:29 PM] CitizenBane: And well, if they're not willing to give it a go when the server is at this stage, what's even the point >.>
[4:29 PM] Professor Misclick: :man_facepalming:
[4:29 PM] Echo: He's .. kinda got a point
[4:29 PM] Professor Misclick: But sure I guess.
[4:29 PM] Echo: and I'd be willing to let him try it just to get people to log in
[4:29 PM] Professor Misclick: Yep.
[4:30 PM] Professor Misclick: Something we can build on.
[4:31 PM] Echo: OK, so how do we give him stats w/out scripting it. Just put properties on a non-drop ring?
[4:32 PM] Echo: https://www.realmshelps.net/monsters/block/Succubus|alpha|S|All
Realms Helps Creature: Succubus
Realms Helps - Creature Finder
[4:32 PM] Professor Misclick: Yep. And manually adjust the stats I guess?
[4:33 PM] Professor Misclick: Better post it for a team vote though?
[4:33 PM] Echo: I'm going to just put that convo in the applications thread and a poll just for general purposes -
I dont mind scripting it as a subrace if needed. You will just have to come up with the stats :)
Can probably also repurpose the old cool Fey'ri ability that let the PC disguise themselves and maintain two appearances.Up to you :)
Stats suggestions:
Canon Qualities Replacement/Adjustment immunity to electricity 10 resistance to electricity immunity to poison +2 saves vs poison resistance to acid 10, cold 10 and fire 10 Leave as is SR 18 SR 10-12 Feat: Dodge; Mobility; Can take them on creation if he wants them Feat: Persuasive +2 CHA Skills: Bluff +19, Concentration +10, Hide +10, Lore +12, Listen +19, Move Silently +10, Search +12, Spot +19 Bluff +10, Hide +5, Lore +5, Listen +5, Move Silently +5 DR: 10/cold iron or good Some sort of AC vs good? -
Suggestion for Tweaks:
- Immunity to Poison = Would recommend having it at +4 vs Poison
- SR 18 = Recommend changing it to SR 14
- Bonus Feats: Dodge and Darkvision
- Race will change to Outsider, which means Weapons against Outsiders will work on him
- DR: 10/cold iron or good = Might be tricky to do it as AC vs Good, but can be attempted
I would suggest having the following Special abilities:
- Alternate Form - Allow him 2 forms(Succubus and Disguise form)
- Spell-Like Abilities: Darkness and Charm Person 1/day each
Mind that we can always take a page from the book of Lycans and give certain abilities later by HitDice.
@Strife-and-Discord said in CB/Succubus:
I would suggest having the following Special abilities:
Alternate Form - Allow him 2 forms(Succubus and Disguise form)
Spell-Like Abilities: Darkness and Charm Person 1/day eachGood ideas!
Can the alternate form also change his name? EFU has a function similar to this when they equip an item, it changes the seen name (but not on the playerlist).
He's got a point. If we can make it to where "Anything goes if you can convince us!", then we may have more interest in the server.
I'd be happy to support him with NPCs and such, I may even have him reboot the demon awakening plot with Gigas and etc. I'll talk to him about that, if this is approved.
The problem with changing the name is that you need to maintain a list of changed name in a Database, less for the point of keeping track and more to be able to access every time a player logs in and out(So this name change also impacts players that logged in after the name change).
It is of course doable, but this then touches the realm of overkill in terms of scripting for the sake of one player.
Is it ECL 1 or 2?
I think it should be 2
Realized this was in the Application Archives, not active apps so I moved it.
If you havent voted or spoken up, please do so today.
ECL 2 sounds rough.
Abstain. Whatever the majority thinks is fine with me.
- Last time we gave him a powerful race (half dragon) it was meh
- Succubus is cool but I anticipate complaints about how we screwed the race template up.
- I like CB well enough however it was discussed that no more powerful subraces/lperks until he demonstrated commitment to actually play for more that 3 days and complain the entire time.
8 yes
0 noConfirmed?
Its been 4 days. Can probably be approved already.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on