Special request?
Lauriella has been rping since the begining that she is a member of the Free Merchant Marines of the Sea of Fallen stars.
She has just received a promotion due to OOC story reasons to continue to adventure on the server. (thank you Dms and admins for working out a reasonable workout)
I petition her as ambassador of her organization to the realms in which you work.
She will send reports on the states of the areas (Arabel, Cormyr, Sembia and other relations regarding factions in which she encounters to her superiors within the fleet of free merchant marines.
important info required by server:
- Race: Gold Elf
2.Class: wizard with high necromantic training - Character name: Lauriella Sithmore
- Alignment NG with strong lawful tendencies
- Level 8th level
- applying for ambassdorship of her faction (The Free Merchant Marines of the Sea of Fallen Stars)
- She has no specific perks other than knowing people from all over the Inner sea. She has been a long hauler for 20 years and has been to every port within and around the sea of fallen stars. If that is a perk (IG perk) so be it. No other perks recommended because i do not like to see my pcs have any specific advantage and use the Dm's discretion.
Her personal goals are not aligned with her faction. She will adhere to maritime law in any instance. The goals of her fleet are to keep an eye on the region and its eccentricities so they make take advantage of any profitable venture.
Lauriella herself wants to get back behind a wheel so that she may be fully content in her life's goal. to command a ship and make men out of boys that are discarded by the societies they live in.
I have always played under either winterhawk99, WinterhawkCTP, or winterhawk1. I should copywrite winterhawk99 because I am known across the web as that.
thank you dms and admins for making such a wonderful world to play in.
- Race: Gold Elf
Free Merchant Marines of the Sea of Fallen Stars
- Not an FR organization that I can find
- Not represented in game in any way that I know of
I'll have to give it to her, she sure has a big imagination.
- I would explain to her that companies to not have Embassies/Ambassadors, especially since Echo cannot find any reference of the group to begin with.
- If she wants to earn a diplomatic position, I would encourage her to aim for Envoy of the Elven Embassy.
- Knowing a load of people across the Inner Sea is a very, very broad term. I would honestly say it isn't a perk relevant to CoA.
On it
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on