[Set]darlene/raposa/misrim retainer
Raposa has wanted to become Misrim retainer for a while, she's still interessted despite a few Misrim retainers screwing her over. I'm fine with Raposa being a casual retainer of Misrim, she's a sweet heart and after all Misrim is THE art supporter in the city.
She has Ruler55/Darkuseth's recommendation
- Does art
- Pushes IG to make the city prettier and more pleasant (ie abby head display)
- Dares to go out of her comfort zone a bit, facing RP conflict
- Clearly a good face for Misrim to have
Make it clear to her she MUST wear Misrim gear or pay to have her own attire altered to match it.
@Echo Will do
She agreed to wear the uniform or green clothing, set
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on