Coined Phrase (Strife)/ Evanora Medea Ventress / Misrim Retainer + Secret Bastard
Topic: Coined Phrase / Evanora Medea Ventress / Misrim Retainer + Secret Bastard
1. Race/Class/Alignment/Level/Name of Character you're asking a perk for?
Human / Sorcerer / Chaotic Neutral / 4 (On-Creation) / Evanora Medea Ventress
Music Theme to Imagine the Character: What specific perk(s) are you hoping to gain?
Special background as a Secret Misrim bastard. The knowledge of being a bastard will be kept hidden from my character on creation as well and only select few NPCs(House Matriarch, Steward, …) will know of this secret – Leaving the revelation totally in the hand of the DMs.
In addition applying for an Enchantress in the Retainer of House Misrim(That skill will come into play when she seeks to manipulate her way to success)
3. What specifically will you do in game to entertain other players if you get this perk? This can include a general outline of goals, plans, or storylines to pursue; but really we hope to hear what you'll do to make it fun for other players if you get this perk.
Retainer Goals: Understanding that the life blood of Misrim is its currencies – Gold, Favors and Prestige – And the need to boost the House’s Coffers and Revenue of these currencies:
- Generating more Gold revenue:
- Conducting research into the various financial rivals of the House – Who they are? What are their traded goods? What are their lines of supply?
- Forming and founding the Grey Crows and pulling its strings from the shadows – A band of marauders, bandits and web of spies/informants that will attack the supply lines of said financial rivals so that Misrim could invade their financial territories. Maintain a complete separation between Misrim and the Grey Crows by ensuring they are led by a well-defined individual (And only they will know perhaps of her involvement).
- When/If the Grey Crows are suspected to be a subsidiary of Misrim – Stage an attack also on Misrim and consider leaving one financial/political rival unattacked to be implicated for said attacks – Thus eliminating two birds with one stone.
- Establishing Trade agreements with all various factions, seeking something they need and offer to supply it while eliminating any other prospected other business partners. If there is nothing they need generate the need(I.E. Have the Grey Crows raid the weapon storages of the Vigilant Sun, forcing the later to seek out buying new supplies).
- Seeking out a Philosopher’s Stone or creating one for the purpose of converting low grade metals to gold. Seek to hire a metallurgists and smiths to progress this research and obtain this secret. If needed involve a Transmuter from the Tower(Perhaps even poach them to join House Misrim in the process).
- Generating Favors Dependencies:
- Seek out lost causes and adventurers without means and offer to support them for servitude as Bannermen – Focus on the ones with potential to one they collect on said investment. Have them sign a legally binding contract.
- Establish ties with merchants and crafters and assist them in gaining clientele in exchange for favors and supplies traded at cost value. To the most promising of them, offer loans to get them indebted to the House.
- Helping the bigger factions with their own goals, and signing with them legally binding contracts to ensure their favors are owed later.
- Generating Prestige:
- Seeking social and non-profit organizations, which are favored by the public, and offering them public fiscal support.
- Forming and founding of a local Newspaper and finding a trust-worthy bard to maintain it, while keeping it a secret it was formed by House Misrim. Use this Newspaper to act as Misrim’s PR weapon, shaping the minds of the public about the famous and worthy Misrims, while slandering and publishing dirt on political rivals among other things.
- Seeking a separate note-worthy bard / Do it herself and recant the biography of the Matriarch of Misrim and her House, as well as writing songs to invigorate the masses in the tavern.
- Organizing Gallas, Fashion shows, Donation Banquets and even plays – All sponsored by Misrim.
Bastard Goals: After Learning the secret that she is a bastard of the House:
- Work to become a legitimate Misrim and be accepted fully into the House, not as a Bastard.
- Seek to prove to the Matriarch that her choice between Islyn and Obyn as her heirs is misguided and that there is a far more worthy Misrim to assume such mantle. Use their chess game to her favor in this --- END GAME GOAL(Once achieved retire and become NPC)
4. If you're not applying on your normal log-in or handle, what accounts have you played under?
Seter was my original log-in handled and most of my notable characters were played with that handle. Additional handle I hold is Strife and Discord.
Sure, Misrim has more bastards than π (0 chance of becoming heir or NPC of course, cause the Matriarch is a callous bitch but it's a nice end goal ;) )
I forgot to put the whole title: Evanora Medea Ventress / Misrim Retainer + Secret Bastard
Wanting to start at Level 2, which is fine IMO. And it sounds like Misrim is as prolific as any Obarskyr.
I think we just set a record for shortest confirmation time.
What happened to the other weird name guy?
@Salem said in Coined Phrase (Strife)/ Evanora Medea Ventress / Misrim Retainer + Secret Bastard:
What happened to the other weird name guy?
Too alien for the setting
Obviously voted Prof. Misclick.
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