[Set]Gloomy_Sunday/Antonio Barese/Sembian Envoy
[2:38 PM] Gloomy_Sunday: Gloomy_Sunday/Antonio Barese/Sembian Envoy
- Human/Bard/NE/Antonio Barese
- Sembian Embassy special position and netherese language
- Antonio presents himself as a debonair, cultured diplomat and scholar of rare antiquities, who wishes to build bridges between all peoples, while promoting order and zero tolerance for crime. In reality he is a degenerate, who wishes nothing more than to manipulate the political landscape of Arabel to his own ends. Antonio covets wealth, status, and above all he covets power.
[2:38 PM] Gloomy_Sunday: Goals:
• Gain status in the embassy by impressing the ambassador: Aiding the Vigilant Sun in dispatching bandits in the region, at first with no cost to the merchants of the city. Making trade more profitable for routes used primarily by Sembian merchants. When he has gained their trust Antonio will make offer of a loan from the embassy with the suggestion that it will be to ensure the safety of the region, really it will be leverage over the order.
• Secretly acting against the King, who he sees as weak, and possibly insane, Antonio will try to start a coup in the city, replacing Gondegal with a council made up of merchants (primarily Sembian), members of the Vigilant Sun, members of House Misrim, and other former nobles. Antonio will build bridges between the VS and Misrim, and distance them from the other factions, who are little more than agents of chaos. He will champion the Vigilant Sun as de facto judge jury and executioners of the law, and Misrim as a just house deserving of a prominent role as head of a council of rulers. The Sembian embassy will be a silent advisor, with both factions in their pockets.
• In order to gain powerful artefacts, Antonio will take advantage of mistrust between the Vigilant Sun and the Tower of Raubagaush. He will convince the Vigilant Sun to lead expeditions to places such as the Helmlands in order to obtain artefacts before the black tower can get their greasy hands on them. Antonio will then offer his services as an arcane scholar in order to get artefacts for himself.
Voted: Other
Application gets a yes from me.Netherese is a dead language so no to knowing it on creation. Draconic also is words of power and magic, not just the language of Dragons etc so that's too much. We can give him additional access to additional languages that are commonly known though to represent his scholarly bent If he gets things off the ground we can allow Netherse Eig. It's not completely dead but highly restricted to certain groups for example the tribes in the Anauroch and the Shadovar.
[3:59 PM] Gloomy_Sunday: How does that look?
[4:18 PM] Professor Misclick: Just getting some stuff organized and then I’ll have a good read.
[4:19 PM] Professor Misclick: First glance is it looks fun.
[4:19 PM] Professor Misclick: Language might be an issue.
[4:23 PM] Gloomy_Sunday: yeah?
[4:27 PM] Professor Misclick: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Netherese_language
Forgotten Realms Wiki
Netherese language
Netherese was a language spoken in Netheril both before and after Karsus's Folly in −339 DR. Though it was considered a dead language by 1372 DR, scholars believed that it evolved into the...[4:27 PM] Professor Misclick: It’s basically a dead language.
[4:27 PM] Professor Misclick: Not spoke for basically 1000 plus years or even more.
[4:28 PM] Professor Misclick: Like speaking “Atlantian”
[4:28 PM] Professor Misclick: From the lost city of Atlantis.
[4:35 PM] Gloomy_Sunday: Ah, I just pictured him having this classic education, like people who can speak Latin and Greek
[4:45 PM] Gloomy_Sunday: Something weird like infernal or draconic would be just as cool, its realy just for flavour though
[5:41 PM] Professor Misclick: That can be arranged. We’ll discuss what we can come up with for you. -
Voted other for Prof's solution, the languages can be earned EiG as Prof said
Same as the above.
Yes to Sembian, no to languages
I think he should get 5 gold per hour in wages though, and the Ribbon of Privilege (grants free rest at the Falcon's Rest, found in Plot Items)
@Puffy said in Gloomy_Sunday/Antonio Barese/Sembian Envoy:
I think he should get 5 gold per hour in wages though, and the Ribbon of Privilege (grants free rest at the Falcon's Rest, found in Plot Items)
Sounds good to me!
Moving to confirmation.
Yes to Sembian
5 gp/hour
Free rest at Falcon’sEiG to languages.
Working on gear for the PC.
@Puffy did the set up.
Removing Gloomy from Storyteller for the time being.
PuffyToday at 13:26
No more Sembian?
Gloomy_SundayToday at 13:32
Not much was happening and I wanted to get involved in Man in the Mists Dagon cult. I doubt this will last more than a few weeks though as its likely to be a fair bit of pvp. Was hoping to return to Sembian when its done
PuffyToday at 13:33
Ah alright
Gloomy_SundayToday at 13:33
does that sound okay?
PuffyToday at 13:33
Eh, I would had preferred you to stick to what you apped for. But wont stop you if you rather do this.
Just do a symbolic re-app when you want to pick the Sembian up again
So the DM team is aware that it's go again
Gloomy_SundayToday at 13:34
okay. Thanks -
Gloomy has decided to discard the cultist and return to his Sembian
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on