Master_Savevok / Logan Abel / Ghost of Cormyr
M Master_Sarevok a day ago
App for my Ghost possible character:
Name: Logain Abel. Fighter/ranger/purple dragon knight progression
Two possible ways I intend to rp him based on his background
Ghost: A young camp follower whose family was killed during the revolution, due to being a loyalist purple dragon garrison soldier. He grew up with hopes that Corymr would return and swiftly destroy Godengal and restore order to Arabel. But after seven years, he has become disillusioned of Cormyr somewhat. He still holds his birth nation in good regards; but feels his Arabellian blood boiling at the thought that they have been abandoned to chaos of gondegals court.
Now he holds his faith in the Ghost leader, the Bastard son of the Cormyrian king line. He sees his fight to free Arabel as a sign that the Ghosts care about the people of Arabel more then Cormyr and should Gondegal fall, he would be the first to declare the bastard as the rightful king of Arabel(and if Cormyr did return, he would declare that the Ghost leader be made lord of all Arabel territory as his reward and work to ensure that happens)
Because of this, he is willing to make connections to help ease the nation stability once Gondegal is removed. But he is not foolish to trust them. If they betrayed Cormyr or helped Gondegal and then help him topple Gondegal that makes them double traitors and if necessary they should be purged or at least watched for further treason.
Non-ghost: Still purple dragon family member who fled to Cormyr to live with relatives. Arabellian born, he has a strong sense of his home and longed to see it restored to Cormyr; but after seven years of nothing he feels that Cormyr has abandoned his home and so leaves to resolve the issue himself. He hears rumors of the Ghosts and feels that these are people who are fighting the right fight and would seek to join them as he would see their leader as the rightful king for not abandoning the people of Arabel to chaos as Cormyr had.
He would use any tools to see Gondegal removed, and would jump at the chance to slay him with his own two hands if he can. But he knows that, sadly, Gondegal is popular amongs the peasents who are sadly tricked to believe they are free and better off when he knows that they are just made into mad dogs, acting on fear and impulse and never given a chance to take a better path out of fear of being called traitor by a neighbor who grows jealous. That only when a righteous and noble king sits on Arabels throne will the citizens finally see the light.
and that's about it. anything else I need? -
He’s decided to make this character and start doing stuff without the official ghost status I think. We can easily move this to a quick EiG based on the 4 yes votes already.
Moving to 24 hour confirmation
From what I've seen of him OOC, I don't think he can handle the job. I'm abstaining, but I view him as similar to Zolm and Draco: No subtlety/nuance.
He'd get outed extremely fast.
@Midgardsormr Is getting outted fast a bad thing? Seems like the Cormyr/Arabel tension could use a boost, I honestly didn't even realize it was a plot point because I don't see anyone ever do anything with it.
Maybe just warn them they could easily get executed and there will be no kid-gloves used or punches pulled.
Outed as a ghost is a death sentence. He would be cut off immediately from all support of fellow ghosts. Furthermore some ghosts might actually remove him as a security risk.
None of this is bad and could be amazing but wanted no misunderstanding about it.
When our last 2 Ghosts got outed (either by others or themselves), they were immediately PVPed or otherwise dead within minutes.
It's the entire point of the faction, you get revealed as a Ghost, you're done on the spot.
I think he would do fine, would likely get outed quickly. He can play the subtle but not for long.
He pre-made, so let him shake things up IG for now.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on