[Set]Higinis/Gloomy/Higinis TrueSun Rank 3
Confronted a "known" Undead Aurelios(sp?) without violating the oath
- Met him 1 v 1 and lost
Resisted the call for a sneak attack ICly
- Some of the other PCs wanted to go and ensure victory
Acted with great OOC class and accepted his loss without turning around for a gank squad
Professor Misclick: Hey!
[4:32 PM] Professor Misclick: I hear some good things about a recent duel and your IC actions
[4:32 PM] Gloomy_Sunday: Thanks
[4:32 PM] Professor Misclick: Lay it out for me step by step and what the other characters were doing ICly or players OOCly
[4:33 PM] Professor Misclick: The TS characters that is
[4:36 PM] Gloomy_Sunday: i met Aury to try and figure out if hes undead and i wasnt convinced, though he was clearly evil. I requested he come by the true sun castle for more robust tests and to face justice for the murders he committed. He refused and i challenged him to a duel knowing blessed blade enchantment would only harm him ir he was undead. Which it did.
[4:38 PM] Gloomy_Sunday: He beat me in the duel. So im on the hunt for some mythical anti undead stuff in order to defeat him rather than stocking up on potions and calling my allies to a 5v1
[4:40 PM] Gloomy_Sunday: Just seems a more interesting and cou rteous way of dealing with it
[4:40 PM] Gloomy_Sunday: since he could have fd'd since i would have
[4:40 PM] Professor Misclick: And what about the other TS?
[4:41 PM] Professor Misclick: I've some info that they were more interested in the win and violating the oath you made to meet him 1v1?
[4:42 PM] Gloomy_Sunday: Petersen seems pro gank squad, which is fine, and ic, she was also against me going alone
[4:43 PM] Professor Misclick: Ok. That's good for now unless there is anything else you want to add?
[4:45 PM] Gloomy_Sunday: Not that comes to mind. Nobody has broken their oath yet afaik. Aury seemed to be expecting an invisigank but i told him i wouldnt be lowered to that and nor would my brethren -
Glorious. I'd like to do this set up please. :smiling_face_with_halo:
@Prof-Misclick said in Higinis/Gloomy/Higinis TrueSun Rank 3:
Glorious. I'd like to do this set up please. :smiling_face_with_halo:
Set up done
- Told Gloomy that the way to get promoted in the faction is to try and fail. I tore a strip off him with the Confessor for not following the code of the Order and then failing when he followed his personal code. Seipora likes the personal code he has (being a paladin herself0
- Told Gloomy to NOT coach the others in promotion as part of the mystery of the faction is figuring it out so they need to struggle and fail.
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