Squawker/JoeKickAss/Perk, Loot, Promotion
Squawker has consistently pushed Consortium goals including obtaining secrets from Crimson and Tower, pushing chaos amongst the factions and actively thieving and donating proceeds to the shrine. Despite being alone in the faction (briefly with cadiz), he has remained a presence everywhere.
In addition, Squawker's Raven Queen faith has been important in his RP and adventuring. He has a holy symbol that has been an impetus in his RP and I have upgraded it with perks as he performs cool stuff with it. He has partaken in the Pale Man plot (holding an important piece and mystery that kept other players guessing and seeking). He is active in the Raloris plot having recently risked life and limb to find a new EV camp etc.
All in all, a cool character and Joe has stuck with it longer than most while braving threats of FD and violence against the character.
TLDR: I'd ask for a Shadow Summon book for his PC and maybe some kind of faction promotion perk for him within the Consortium for being a cool and consistent player.
Shadow Summon book, sure. But he has made it clear he don't care for the flock more than himself
Not to mention he keeps antagonizing the shit out of people who can make his or the flock's life hell.
I'm switching my vote to undecided, he should get something but he's really doing stuff IC that the flock would probably boot his ass out over at this point.
@Midgardsormr said in Squawker/JoeKickAss/Perk, Loot, Promotion:
Not to mention he keeps antagonizing the shit out of people who can make his or the flock's life hell.
I'm switching my vote to undecided, he should get something but he's really doing stuff IC that the flock would probably boot his ass out over at this point.
How are the Tower boys any different?
This snippet from curing Rastaban made me think the Tower have plans they'd not posted yet.
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Dec 2 12:13:26] Angela Rhul: And of course. Fortunately we had arrived to assist, despite those such as the kenku being...irritants.
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Dec 2 12:13:46] Rastaban: The Kenku, likewise, will meet the same fate as all who meddled in this affair.
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Dec 2 12:14:04] Claus Nightingale: [He shrugs indifferently] The drow's body was an excellent battering ram to begin our storming of the keep. Something that would have inspired fear in his minions, if they had any to begin with.
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Dec 2 12:14:57] Angela Rhul: Indeed. I saw quite the carnage upwards. I had no notion of the guardians he employed; I always thought of him only relying upon the dead.
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Dec 2 12:15:05] Angela Rhul: Regardless. Do you have questions, either of you?
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Dec 2 12:15:27] Claus Nightingale: As for the Consortium. We've been inextricably tied to them for several weeks as a matter of necessity. But our own designs have begun to take a different path. We've rather... outgrown that necessity.
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Mon Dec 2 12:15:33] Claus Nightingale: I have no questions. -
Rastaban and Claus didn't get a promotion for ages cause they were acting like idiots :) Then they made up (barely) and got it
You can give him a perk/loot or plot hook, but I certainly don’t agree with a promotion, especially considering recent events.
@Bowser said in Squawker/JoeKickAss/Perk, Loot, Promotion:
You can give him a perk/loot or plot hook, but I certainly don’t agree with a promotion, especially considering recent events.
Consortium has no ranks, only perks I suppose. The issue is some kind of recognition for Joe's RP and work he has put in to make chaos in the setting and among the factions. With a warning from his superiors, Squawker can be put on a "wiser" path obviously.
I don't understand the Neutral votes here. What is he doing wrong that he can't be recognized for this PC? He's done more for the faction (for better or worse) than anyone getting promotions currently.
I've followed his progress and ran events for him since Squawker day 1, and have been impressed by what I see.
My only interactions with Joe as a player in the faction have hurt the Flock. That's why I voted as I did. If you're in a faction and making waves, it doesn't mean you'll be promoted if you're doing things that aren't beneficial to the faction itself.
Usually in these instances, we look at other avenues for rewards, since they're still doing things but it doesn't make sense for a "promotion".
@Bowser said in Squawker/JoeKickAss/Perk, Loot, Promotion:
perk/loot or plot hook
or RP token?
He's got his feathers into EVERYTHING these days. At least he's making waves.
@Echo said in Squawker/JoeKickAss/Perk, Loot, Promotion:
or RP token?
Spellbook and RP token is cool, maybe a wand of darkness?
I gave him a shadow summon book, and rp token. He's happy with them. I'll add a wand of darkness to a future idea.
Thanks for the suggestions all!
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