[Set up]Candyman Half-Elf/Cleric/Lawful Neutal/Level 6/Aurora Day breaker
Account name /Character name/what you are applying for
1). Race/Class/Alignment/Level/Name of Character
Half-Elf/Cleric/Lawful Neutal/Level 6/Aurora Day breaker
2). What specific perk(s) (subrace, faction, etc)
Would like to be a True Sun Knight, currently I am a squire but recently helped to expose the mage tower
for being generally evil in trying to harness light for their crystals. Sargent Holance Durmet has told
Aurora she plans to push for her promotion from Squire to sargent. a priestess of Amaunator and will use her divine powers to help the order
3). A general outline of goals, plans, or storylines to pursue:
I plan to play Aurora as a shining example of a Amaunator priestess pursuing good under the knighthood. So far she has exposed the mage tower for trying to harness light for
the wrong purposes and reported back to Sargent Holance Durmet and was then assigned to pursue the pale man which she actively did investigate and went on the final
pursuit (permadeath event) and fought in the frontlines against many foes and helped the True Sons, Crimson Guard, and Mage Tower to succeed in killing him. She also trained
two new squires under her wing including Timmie Westfield and Sunny Cuthyne. In addition, she fought the snake cult in the pits alongside Sgt. Durmet and investigated it and wrote the report
on the findings. In addition, she helped to neutralize the shard of an evil jungle being. She plans to preach the word of Amaunator and encourage others to follow the
True Sun and to continue to fight evil wherever it occurs in Arabel. She wants the True Sun Order to be the only law keeping organization over Arabel. She has been helping
Durmet investiage the mages tower,the weird shard things, and a posssible Yaun-ti plan to undermine Arabel's safety.4). If you're not applying on your normal log-in or handle, what accounts have you played under?
DaWarboss is my name for NWN, Candyman is my discord. I played Sir Vincent Prize, Rodia of the elven warband, and the infamous Minna Barkhorn.https://nodebb.cityofarabel.com/topic/47690/squire-a-daybreaker
Been a squire for some time. Always around and seeming involved in stuff. I figure why not let him try this?
Moving to confirmation
I forgot to vote LOL. Yeah sure, seems to be doing a lot better now, especially after helping take down a vampire.
I haven't really seen much out of this player tbh, but everyone else seems to think they are ready so I won't vote no.
set up
- took away old medium armor with +4 [cleric]
- took away old shield
- gave 750 gp to "compensate"
@Prof-Misclick said in [Set up]Candyman Half-Elf/Cleric/Lawful Neutal/Level 6/Aurora Day breaker:
took away old medium armor with +4 [cleric]
On this point, I think Haquin had spent some time creating +3-4 breastplate's so they didn't feel the full nerf immediately.
If we're taking one of these away though, I feel like all the clerics should have these +3-4 breastplates removed.
Normally I'd agree however this is a very new character with the opportunity to adjust. The others are well established and even with a relevel this would substantially change them. It's a short term issue that they benefit from a grandfather clause.
She's still a level 8, which is basically server average. Same level as Verk and some others. Did she have a chance to relevel?
@Bowser said in [Set up]Candyman Half-Elf/Cleric/Lawful Neutal/Level 6/Aurora Day breaker:
She's still a level 8, which is basically server average. Same level as Verk and some others. Did she have a chance to relevel?
Go ahead and deal with this. App was for level 6. Frankly I pulled my hair out trying to help this player even get into the faction because they can't get it together enough to submit a progress report that earned them an IC recommendation.
Edit :I don't care about the level. The PC is only a couple weeks old unlike Verk and Draco who have been playing their PCs since the launch,
Aight, I can ask her if she wants a relevel based on the armour changes. If not, oh welp.
P Puffy moved this topic from Player Applications on