[Confirmation] Sapphire Order Knighthood / LunaticHigh / Mindria Scalecrusher
Sure, it means nothing really other than she gets some gear and gnome cred. Note that there is no such thing as a knight in Arabel, so she don't have any legal privilege or anything.
@Puffy Yes, I was going to have the knighting NPC point out that Arabellan law provides her no bonuses and that she'd have to earn it.
She'd have perks among gnome NPCs and PCs, but otherwise nothing.
@Midgardsormr said in Sapphire Order Knighthood / LunaticHigh / Mindria Scalecrusher:
@Puffy Yes, I was going to have the knighting NPC point out that Arabellan law provides her no bonuses and that she'd have to earn it.
She'd have perks among gnome NPCs and PCs, but otherwise nothing.
All good, maybe hint at if gnomes actually had an embassy maybe she would be able to do more!
NPC gnomes would respect her as a sapphire paladin. Just respect, no fawning or obedience though.
Can she be in this order AND in the True Sun? Again, it's serving 2 masters, like Verk with Talos/Crimson.
@Echo I don't think so. That's why I said if we give it to her, she has to leave True Sun.
She's not doing much pro-True Sun stuff atm I think.
I can agree to one or the other, and tbh this looks more promising than TS.
Indeed. I think she's far better off as part of Sapphire than TS. Thus why I think we should do this.
If she gets into confirmation, I'll make upgraded Sapphire Order gear. I have an NPC to go into my next monster batch anyway for this.
Sure. But as discussed she is out do the TS.
What if I gave her the choice IC? Accept knighthood in the Order, or remain in the True Sun.
Should give her a moral dilemma.
5-0 majority, sending to confirmation.
@Midgardsormr said in [Confirmation] Sapphire Order Knighthood / LunaticHigh / Mindria Scalecrusher:
What if I gave her the choice IC? Accept knighthood in the Order, or remain in the True Sun.
Should give her a moral dilemma.
Sounds good!
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