more gold sinks
@CrazyZleric said in more gold sinks:
populate the uninhabited exotic shop
It's populated.
Go buy stuff.
Craft wand and brew pot will be a MASSIVE money sink. Esp since shield and bark can ONLY be bought through that mechanism
$$$ The Tower Guild $$$
Shields and Barks now in the every potions shop. Price however...
@Walrus-Warwagon said in more gold sinks:
Price however...
This post was about wanting a gold sink. Go buy potions and sink your gold.
No arguments form me, I already bought a lot of potions. Dead man doesn't need the gold after all.
I love to see more consumables to buy that let me do things like remove fear and clarity, so I can help other players in a pickle. Getting wand crafting back up would be best, but I totaly buy a gem with charges of summon monster 3 or the like.
Brew potion and craft wand would solve it, and make wizard classes really important
Crafting is WIP atm, we have the prices sorted however :)
For faction members, maybe we could allow them to purchase one time gold sinks that could add universal benefits to the faction?
They would be large purchases of thousands upon thousands of gold, but they could unlock things for themselves such as:
- A Trader's Delight - Unique merchant with trinkets flavoured to the faction. (OUB by members)
- Field Medic - Daily healing stipend for all members in cure minor, light, and moderate healing (Similar to how wage systems worked)
- Tournament Master - The faction is given one unique piece of loot monthly to be given away in their own contest of choosing. (Cannot be inherently linked to metaplots)
- Grace of the Gods - Members are blessed by a spell flavourful to the deity most suited to their faction once a day.
- Etc...
These are just a few ideas I had for additional faction benefits that could cost $50,000 coins each or more. This would provide an additional drive for coin for faction members and unite them all in ways to earn coin in order to gain unique perks for all members.
Edit: This can also give players in odd timezones a way to feel more involved in achieving some goals within their faction.
This could also add intrigue like internal strife, I’d say, two people in a faction want one benefit, and two others want another, WE HAVE CONFLICT!
Conflict is good. Even in your faction.
a contraband system like bloodstones but perhaps a smidgeon less evil would be nice
Contraband exists I believe
Purple Dragon equipment or pro-cormyr paraphernalia is understood to be contraband.