Rules for PvP and PKing
Putting up a reminder folks. We are a story roleplaying world. This means PvP is a part of the server, we do not, nor ever have wanted to create situations where PvP always ends in PKing (especially when that PKing comes with full looting or the premature end of a story which we tend to like even less), but there will always be conflict.
Without conflict, there is no such thing as story and the server will be a stagnant setting.
If you can not handle the consequences of PvP, or ignore that you've lost conflicts or the consequences of conflict while still stirring up conflicts against those who are outmanuevering you through combat, intrigue, or adventure, this can be considered bad form. Even worse is simply creating conflict, but refusing to accept when others return your adversarial actions with their own actions. You are not the 'star of Arabel', every player is equal and if you can dish it, you must accept that others will as well, and that conflict can even escalate.
IE: If you call a half orc a thug, and he punches you for it, that makes perfect sense. If you call him a thug afterward, and he beats you into the ground, that makes a lot of sense. If you get up, heal, call him a thug again, and he pulls a sword and beats you down, that makes sense–but one has to ask what were you thinking? If you are laying bleeding on the ground, and call him a thug again, and this time he kills you--frankly what he did makes sense (though I'd wonder if he could have shown more OOC courtesy by simply walking away having humiliated you over and over again) but what you did made almost no sense (why provoke and continue to escalate the situation?!) If you then complain you were PKed, no DM will have an ounce of sympathy though. You created and escalated the PvP there to your own demise.
Folks, this shouldn't need to be bumped, but it is being bumped.
Again, PKing should be cleared through a DM or have a DM over see it to ensure your reasons are good. If they're not good reasons, then there are going to be very crappy consequences for you, and no one wants to go through that–not the player you killed, not the DM who spends an hour or two cleaning up the mess when they could have run an event or scripted something cool for the player base, and not you when you wind up with a character deleted or yourself actually banned.
If you don't have good reasons to PK, a DM is happy to help you think of other creative and fun things you can do to disrupt or cause problems for your rivals in-game.
Guy I am bumping this and would ask everyone to have a read and if you have questions or need something cleared up ask a DM before you engage in PvP.
Bumping this
Rules have been UPDATED. Please review.
Update to the Pick Pocket and 'pluck hair' rules.
After some Discussion, Pick Pocket and Pluck hair does /not/ require you to be hostile. However, you should be fully ready and willing to set your victim hostile yourself if you are caught.
After some Discussion, Pick Pocket and Pluck hair does /not/ require you to be hostile. However, you should be fully ready and willing to set your victim hostile yourself if you are caught.
And fully ready and willing to accept the consequences of such actions.
Apparently, PvP is causing some problems. Let's remember the rules everyone!
Updated 3 new paragraphs at the start, everyone should read and remember this!