Changes to the module
- The Way of the Tranquil Storm Monk Kit is introduced after the next reset.
Disarm and Improved Disarm were tweaked/nerfed to make them less balance breaking:
Both Disarm and Improved Disarm will have a short cooldown between uses.
Both Disarm and Improved Disarm can only be used in melee Range - No longer activating when you target someone from across the map.
The AB Penalty is standardized for both Disarm and Improved Disarm across Weapon sizes. You will no longer get obscene Penalties/Buffs to your AB based on the weapon size. This applies to NPCs as well. This means Disarmers with small/tiny weapons are viable.
Castle Crag is now open as a quest. There is still work to be done on the quest, but it's appropriately hard and ready. Talk to Aldek to take this 6-12 quest.
Changes to the Githyanki Hatching Chamber. There should not be 7 fireballs dropping on your person.
Changes were made to the Castle Crag Quest - Feel free to test them after a reset:
Encounters that were set backward from the wrong entrance were fixed.
All spawns received a face lift to match the Original appearance of said legacy faction more.
A new and quite familiar mini-boss was added!
Removal of the Socket Crafting Kit:
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2650
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2649
- Added Lawful Evil and Lawful Neutral monk boots to Bericho Tane's monk store in the Spire as per this suggestion.
Necromancers rejoice. Animate dead doesn't suck anymore.
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2656
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2660
As of this version the absurd Hat Helm Combination is a thing of the past.
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2663
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2667:
Sentry Fighter Kit has been re-balanced.
Don't do Castle Crag for the time being.
Eastway updates to symbolize the progress on the village
Lesser restore no longer removes the effects of any Bigbys spells.
It is otherwise entirely unaffected.
- As of this version leeching XP in quests will be made harder. You will no longer be able to hide safely/AFK half way across the map. To gain XP for a kill you will need to be within the scene of the combat(Doesnt have to be Line of Sight but range). If you are not within said range you wont get the XP for the kill. The team may tweak the range in the coming days and make it even smaller.
Don't do Castle Crag for the time being.
Both iterations for Castle Crag are done and working. Feel free to take the quest.
Thunderholme is now open for travel! It will take some time for actual facilities to be available for use, but players may freely come and go now.
The alteration "spirit projection" also known as "astral projection" has has some changes to how it works.
Specifics aren't available for number crunchers to chew on right now, but here are the basics:
This alteration was intended to be used as a way to scout ahead for mages, when no scout was available.
It was instead used as a vastly superior form of scrying , instead of actually scrying.
This was very hard to balance two entirely different mechanics around and so, the spirit projection spell has been altered to fit it's intended roll more closely.
Using your projection to go into areas with npcs in them, is no problem, and it will work how it always has.
Trying to project near player characters now has a save involved, even without a ward (though wards greatly increase the difficulty of the save to retain the projection, and allow warded characters to pull your name from your mind if the save is critically failed)
This save will be rolled every 6 seconds, and each time, become slightly more difficult to pass.
The result is the spell can be used for scouting on quests and dm events, or exploration, but is too weak to get much more than ten to thirty seconds of "spying" done.
Scrying is now VASTLY superior to spirit projection for the purposes of spying.
This makes it a lot easier to make any future alterations to scrying to balance it, and make it useful for roleplay, and not an I win button.
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2706
Fixed: tracker.php?p=5&t=2703
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2657
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2702:
The messages fighters receive(Be it failure to meet criteria or cooldown messages) will no longer spam their entire party and only they will see it.
Additionally as part of a quality of life thing, I have added additional messages to the Combat stances telling you when its Activated, De-Activated and when the cooldown is over and you can reuse the ability(If there is a cooldown). If you see any issues with it - Post bug reports.
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2718
Changes to True Strike Consumables:
Due to a decision made by the DM Team, we have decided for the sake of balance to make the following changes to True Strike Consumables:
As of this version all True Strike Consumables are removed from Stores throughout the server(Be it Potions, Lucky Rabbit Foots, etc). If you find any more of these you must report them and where you bought them from(If bought from NPCs).
True Strike Consumables can only be obtained now either from Quest Loot(DM/Scripted ones) or through crafting such as Brewing, etc.
The Price for brewing True Strike Potions was raised as a result.
The script for True Strike was also fixed and now ALL items will give +10AB(And not just Potions). Only way to get +20AB would be from the actual spell cast by a Mage.
Updates to Immersea and Eastway -
Updates to Citadel and North Arabel.
Updates to the IC rumor system that you can spam from npcs.