Changes to the module
As of next Reset
Order Relay: Moved to Eastern Wildlands. No more Wailing Fog Trips.
Orc Camp: The doors are now destroyable, and no longer need a rogue.
Withering Heights: Spawns updated, it is now slightly harder, no other changes.
Frost Giants: Spawns updated, should be a reasonable challenge now instead of a cake walk.
Defense of Durmoth is now max level 10 and has had its reward increased considerably.More quest tweaks incoming.
As of next reset, when the aforementioned version is applied:
Hourly XP system is introduced into the game. Here is how it works:
Between the levels of 1-5 you will get small Hourly XP(Per RL Hour) rewards for playing.
Once you hit level 6 you will stop receiving this reward, and it will only be reapplied if you die bellow 6 again.
There is an AFK mechanism in place to ensure not to give you XP if you havent moved or talked in a certain amount of time. This is done to ensure people dont just stay logged in AFK to leech xp from this system.
Proper messages will be presented to you upon every step or instance.
As of next reset once you get off the Caravan you will be given 1000xp instead of 1xp, meaning starting level will be 2 instead of 1. This will accommodate people with multi-class concepts. Please note: This is a test and if we see the test is unsuccessful we will consider changing the starting level back to 1.
Please make sure to report any bugs or exploits with the two new changes.
On the next reset, all beggars will be removed from the citadel and old town. No longer shall our dire speeches of doom and gloom be interrupted by Nada's Cat giving gold to a beggar.
As of next reset
Added changes and new areas to the swamp ( please advise me directly if there are any issues or Bug report )
Been fixing floating placeable around the server
Worked on Hullack ( main )
New quest added ( to be tested IG )
- Fine Hells changes
Estate Door added
Bath fixed
reworked around bar area and access ( due to required door )
- All new Swamp areas IG as of next reset ( due to WORM tileset chrashing for to many players )
Take a look
Happy to recieve feedback
Thanks you for your patience on this
Feeding and Vomitous Zombie Warriors no longer level drain. They do something equally annoying, however…
Minor adjustment to elite bandits.
Minor adjustment to withering heights.
Judge Johan moved to the Courthouse.
As of Next Reset (after 9/21/16) A new quest will be available.
This quest is /insanely difficult/ and can only be soloed. It can only be /done once in a character's career./ It is Level 8+. It is for [PURE CLASS] Barbarians, Monks, Druids, Rangers, and Sorcerers.
It is also EXTREMELY REWARDING, but no DM will clear your corpse, you must respawn at the temple to leave the quest [if you lost].
The quest giver dialogue has similar warnings, etcetera. The quest is in the Stormhorns. I look forward to hearing your screams.
Jerney Maysen's Strange Basement No Longer Has Minor Electric Traps.
Added the missing Quest Information to the Hooded Elven Mage Quest Giver of the Monument of Ooze Quest as it was missing from their description.
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2322
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2324
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2323
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2328
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2327
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2326
Major Update To the Medicine Man (Gypsy) quest. It is now a 2 part quest. First part is the main quest, the 2nd part is an optional. The 2nd part has not received its facelift yet, but will remain in the mod because xp and loot.
As of this version the Durmoth Defense will be fully updated with a shiny new look and the new Invasion system introduced to it.
Party size has been bumped to 4-12.
As of v3316:
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2336
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2335
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2334
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2331
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2333
As of v3319:
- Reward for Durmoth Defense Quest was scaled up abit to match the new challenge.
As of v3334:
Fixed: tracker.php?p=1&t=2349
Barbarian Rages were improved. Read more about it here: viewtopic.php?t=179415&p=1050297
New Quest Added.
5-10 quest. Located in the Stormhorns where the old Shaman's Cave was.
Live next reset.